Last Impressions #49: Crowd Out the Rats!

Justin starts with a roundup of conservative news in Rhode Island and discusses the problem when legislators and other elected officials make room for rats in the State House and BLM and Antifa riots in the streets.

Pledging to Protect Taxpayers and Ourselves

Something as simple as a pledge can be a valuable statement that you’ve got reformers’ backs.

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Narratives All Over the Place

My weekly call-in on John DePetro’s WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM show, for August 24, included talk about:

  • Gina’s back to school battle
  • Government by calamari
  • Michael from Rhode Island
  • The uncovered pro-Trump boat parade

I’ll be on again Monday, August 31, at 12:00 p.m. on WNRI 1380 AM and I-95.1 FM.

Use Your Voice – Huge Deficits Cannot be Plugged with Even Higher Taxes

Before the coronavirus crisis… the Ocean State was already hemorrhaging people, because of its existing cruel business climate. Now, Rhode Islanders cannot afford tax hikes to plug huge projected budget deficits.

Lawmakers are being pressured by public sector unions and the radical far left movement to put the burden on you… and to raise your taxes. That’s why the Center has launched a new counter campaign to the government-union led effort to raise taxes in RI. Take action now.

Mattiello Follies

Mark Zaccaria observes that all signs seem to point to self-interest as the guiding principle of RI Speaker of the House Nicholas Mattiello.

Vision of Raised Taxes Not the Answer for Economic Crisis

The coronavirus pandemic has left Rhode Island with significant revenue loss after forced government shutdowns.

Now, legislators are being pushed by public-employee unions and the progressive-left to put the burden on you… and to raise your taxes. This is not a burden Rhode Island can bear.

Business as Usual

Mark Zaccaria looks at Rhode Island insiders in their natural, corrupt environment.

Raimondo Rips out Goalposts Altogether as Governors Carefully Disregard Most Important Datapoint

As you probably know, the original justification for the COVID-19 lockdown was to prevent the overwhelming of hospitals. This never happened; not in Rhode Island nor in any state other than hotspot New York (where it got close); not even at the height of the pandemic. Click here to view Justin Katz’ latest, very informative tracking graph of COVID-19 trends in Rhode Island. You’ll note that hospitalizations in Rhode Island, in fact, peaked THREE WHOLE MONTHS AGO.

Keep this critical piece of information in mind as we move now to Rhode Island’s COVID-19 press conference yesterday.

McElroy’s Ruling Undermines Election Confidence

The ruling of U.S. District Court Judge Mary McElroy changing election-security laws shortly before Rhode Islanders vote is a warning sign that Americans should think twice before trusting the results that follow.

Union Political Spending: A Web of Corruption

Not every teacher, first-responder, clerk, or other public servant considers themselves to be Democrats or part of the “progressive-left” movement in Rhode Island. Yet every employee who is member of a government union in our state is paying dues that directly support this extreme political agenda… along with the corrupt quid quo pro that comes with union political spending. A new report, from our Center, exposes that Rhode Island’s hyper-partisanship and radical agenda is funded by government union political spending: Click Here Now To Read It.

Death Arrives – Lockdowns Now Demonstrably Indefensible

The survival rate for COVID-19 is now in the range of 99.35% – 99.74%, per CDC data. But even this high rate is almost certainly on the conservative side as it does not include all unidentified cases, an important data point which scientists continue diligently to try to quantify.

Moreover, COVID cases are rising but COVID deaths are falling.

Conversely, grimly, deaths from the lockdown have moved from projection to reality and are rising.

Politics This Week with John DePetro: For the Image of the Governor

My weekly call-in on John DePetro’s WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM show, for July 13, included talk about:

  • Dan Connors’s $170,000 DUI
  • General Assembly’s misplaced priorities
  • Gina’s missing tested Rhode Islanders
  • Protests on the governor’s lawn
  • Mask wearing
  • The odds of school

I’ll be on again Monday, July 20, at 12:00 p.m. on WNRI 1380 AM and I-95.1 FM.

JCLS Cone of Silence

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Muted Independence

My weekly call-in on John DePetro’s WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM show, for July 6, included talk about:

  • Phase 3
  • Lack of budget
  • The secret consultant
  • Nursing home problems
  • Not a real Bristol parade
  • RI schools’ future
  • Lt. Gov. McKee tries an online petition

I’ll be on again Monday, July 13, at 12:00 p.m. on WNRI 1380 AM and I-95.1 FM.

Ideals that Make America and Rhode Island Strong

Have a happy and proud Independence Day weekend. Now is the time to celebrate America’s great and noble ideals. Sadly in the Ocean State, the political class has taken too much from hard-working Rhode Island families and businesses. The chosen few have benefited from the broken system, while the rest of us have suffered.

Politics This Week with John DePetro: In Hopes of a Backlash

My weekly call-in on John DePetro’s WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM show, for June 22, included talk about:

  • Columbus comes down
  • “Providence Plantations” gets covered up
  • Rhode Island races to watch
  • Stanton shows the journalists’ condescension

I’ll be on again Monday, July 6, at 12:00 p.m. on WNRI 1380 AM and I-95.1 FM.

Disenfranchising the People to Get Rid of the “Plantations”

Accepting elected officials’ overt disrespect for the rule of law does not advance the values of equality and mutual respect, but undermines them and will move us toward a dangerous future.

Politics This Week with John DePetro: A Lesson in Orwellian Providence

My weekly call-in on John DePetro’s WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM show, for June 22, included talk about:

  • The speaker’s plea of historical ignorance
  • Raimondo’s dictatorial pandering
  • Elorza’s push to remove his city from the state’s name
  • Snitches on the ferry

I’ll be on again Monday, June 29, at 12:00 p.m. on WNRI 1380 AM and I-95.1 FM.

Retroactive Blessing for Local Dictatorship

Part of the explanation for why new legislation retroactively blesses anything local chief executives have done to change their budget processes can be found in the East Bay.

Summer Budget Battle: Status Quo Approach Will Not Work

Enough is enough. For too long, the political class has taken more than what they needed from hard-working Rhode Island families and businesses. The chosen few have benefited from the broken insider system, while the rest of us have suffered. Now, Rhode Island lawmakers will return this summer, and decide the fate of our state for a century to come.

Session-Winding Chaos

Simple Simon Set a Budget

Dennis Sheehan: A Better Budget Process for a Renewed Economy

With a reasoned approach to reducing the state budget and freeing businesses from unnecessary constraints, Rhode Island can recover from our virus-induced economic malady.

A Week Later, Still Inclined to Dissolve the Ethics Commission

A suggestion to dissolve the Ethics Commission has not faded after a week of consideration.

Governor Extends State of Emergency Without Supporting Data – Take Action Now!

RI’s curve is approaching ZERO! States across America are opening without problem, protesters are allowed large gatherings, jobs and the economy are booming nationally… yet, our RI summer remains locked down. Why?

The Governor has just extended the “state of emergency” and the General Assembly has failed to act on its authority to end this madness, sitting idly by while the wreckage continues to mount.

Final Nail in RI’s Ethics Coffin

After this morning’s whiplash from the Ethics Commission regarding an obvious revolving door setup of a state senator to the state’s highest court, perhaps it’s time to disband the agency.

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Socially Undistant Protests

My weekly call-in on John DePetro’s WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM show, for June 1, included talk about:

  • Double standards for “protests”
  • One narrative to rule them all
  • Raimondo continues to play politics
  • A better approach to budgeting

I’ll be on again Monday, June 8, at 12:00 p.m. on WNRI 1380 AM and I-95.1 FM.

New Report Lays Out a Budget Strategy for Rhode Island Prosperity

With about one-billion dollars in anticipated revenue shortfalls, and with recent statements from leading Rhode Island lawmakers indicating a general feeling of helplessness, the Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity published a new report this week with proven budget strategies that can help put the state on a long-term trajectory towards prosperity.

Better and Worse from the Hiding General Assembly

How the State Should Address Its Budget Challenges

A short new report from the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity suggests that Rhode Island can take its current setback as an opportunity to plan for a better future.

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