Doc Skoly’s Federal Lawsuit is NOT OVER! Even though he’s back work.

Lawsuit is not “moot”. Dr Stephen Skoly may have won a significant battle last week in his fight to continue providing critical surgical care to his patients, but the larger legal war is not over. Even though the RIDOH finally relented and removed its October 1 compliance order that banned him from seeing patients in […]

LIVE Press Conference to Decouple RI from CA Emissions Standards

Time to Decouple: Rhode Island Motorists Should Not Be Beholden to California’s Oppressive Emissions Policies READ STEN’S COMMENTARY HERE The RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity has signed-on to a regional coalition letter to protest California’s extreme and influential carbon emissions policies and will join other coalition partners from New England in a virtual press […]

BREAKING NEWS: NK Superintendent Phil Auger Out

The North Kingstown school district has been under great public scrutiny. Parents have raised serious concerns about indoctrination by educators of students with Critical Race Theory principles. Allegations of nude body fat testing by a high school coach of teenage boys have shocked the community. Now, in the midst of this controversy, Phil Auger has […]

Rich Southwell: Formal Response To RI Deputy Majority Leader Charlene Lima Pandering On Mask Mandates

Rich Southwell Formal Response To RI Deputy Majority Leader Charlene Lima Pandering On Mask Mandates See Rep Lima Testimony Here: See Full General Assembly Video Here:

#InTheDugout Logo Contest

Current StaffSupport local and honest journalism by becoming a charter member of the Ocean State Current. As our liberties are under constant attack – and the dishonest corporate media fails to hold public officials accountable – The Ocean State Current has become the choice of parents and citizens who value honest and fearless reporting. Why? […]

Nationally Renowned Economist Stephen Moore Joins Sten & Laffey

Nationally Renowned Economist Stephen Moore Joins Sten & Laffey today LIVE at 4:00pm on #InTheDugout. TOPICS: GOVZILLA book Walmart fo Doc Skoly? Major legal victory for RI House GOP National GOP warms to climate change? China Olympics humor Bill Maher – again Current StaffSupport local and honest journalism by becoming a charter member of the […]

A MAJOR legal VICTORY for local parent & citizen groups! #InTheDugout

After last night’s impressive #ParentsUnitedRI turnout speaking out against the tyrannical state of emergency, now a MAJOR legal VICTORY for local parent & citizen groups! Guest Bob Chiaradio from Westerly explains! Plus, Dr. Andrew Bostom on more folly at The Rhode Island Department of Health. Tune in! 

Mike Stenhouse and Steve Laffey talk about the public response to STOP THE TYRANNY!

On today’s web show, Mike Stenhouse and co-host Steve Laffey will be talking about the massive public response to STOP THE TYRANNY! After our coalition email appeal, over 400 signed up to testify, over 150 submitted written testimony; save for government agencies, virtually ALL against extended executive powers.

This overwhelming opposition to extended emergency powers is the first time lawmakers are understanding how negligent they have been in NOT representing the clear views of their constituents.

Catholic Parent Speaks Out Against Continued Mandates In Catholic Schools

Dear Father Healy, I am appealing to you directly, because when we interviewed with you for our first of three children, Emma, at Our Lady of Mercy in the summer of 2015 you told us: “The buck stops with me.” OLM has been a wonderful experience for our children and our family as a whole. […]

Doctor Scott is OUT.

On our #InTheDugout web show today, Sten will explain why Dr .Scott had to be fired by Gov. Mckee. And, he will systematically DESTROY the failed agenda that she advised and implemented at RIDOH. Plus, Dr. Andrew Bostom weighs in. He will discuss the latest findings that support all that we’ve been telling you for the past 18 months. We are LIVE at 4:00pm, click here to watch.

Tyler Rowley: March for Life Bus Trip – Reserve Now!

It’s not too late to reserve your spot at the most important March for Life ever, and Servants of Christ for Life will help to get you there with an unforgettable trip.

More RIDOH Disinformation

Current StaffSupport local and honest journalism by becoming a charter member of the Ocean State Current. As our liberties are under constant attack – and the dishonest corporate media fails to hold public officials accountable – The Ocean State Current has become the choice of parents and citizens who value honest and fearless reporting. Why? […]

VIEWER WARNING! Woke Westerly teachers RISE-UP to defend pornography

Current StaffSupport local and honest journalism by becoming a charter member of the Ocean State Current. As our liberties are under constant attack – and the dishonest corporate media fails to hold public officials accountable – The Ocean State Current has become the choice of parents and citizens who value honest and fearless reporting. Why? […]

Outraged NK mom as guest demands RESIGNATION of Superintendent #InTheDugout

Current StaffSupport local and honest journalism by becoming a charter member of the Ocean State Current. As our liberties are under constant attack – and the dishonest corporate media fails to hold public officials accountable – The Ocean State Current has become the choice of parents and citizens who value honest and fearless reporting. Why? […]

Gucci is Tax Exempt, Mandatory PPE is Not

Looking at the taxes we are burdened to pay in Rhode Island, there’s a lot of them. From a sales tax for products that shouldn’t be taxed, to regressive carbon taxes, to estate taxes placed upon the state’s recently deceased, our small state has big taxes. Looking to places where taxes get more lenient, clothing […]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nulla enim, placerat id turpis ut, volutpat faucibus velit. Integer porta, mi porta ultrices iaculis, tellus nisi dignissim augue, eu tincidunt nulla erat vel tellus. Maecenas sed lorem dolor. Mauris iaculis porttitor lacinia. Duis quis molestie libero, id viverra dui. Donec sit amet sagittis nibh, ac […]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nulla enim, placerat id turpis ut, volutpat faucibus velit. Integer porta, mi porta ultrices iaculis, tellus nisi dignissim augue, eu tincidunt nulla erat vel tellus. Maecenas sed lorem dolor. Mauris iaculis porttitor lacinia. Duis quis molestie libero, id viverra dui. Donec sit amet sagittis nibh, ac […]

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