Clay Johnson: Let Us Be Thankful

We are living through one of the most peaceful times in human history. Given the tumult of 2020, it is easy to lose perspective. The number of people living in poverty is plummeting – globally. And even with a pandemic raging, we are seeing extraordinary advances in our ability to fight disease. Whether together or apart, we will soon see the arrival of Thanksgiving – a pause to give thanks, and maybe gain some perspective.

Before we arrive at this pause, we have an election to endure. The Gaspee Project board is committed to advocating for free market principles and supporting conservative candidates. These principles lead to more freedom. Freedom leads to prosperity (jobs). History has shown this to be true.

Conservatives believe in the individual rights and a free society. This is why private property and a limited government are so important.

Big government crowds out both jobs and freedom. The social justice warriors see personal freedom as an offense and an outrage.

They see freedom as a threat. And, yes, freedom does threaten their sense of entitlement. Freedom enables inequality of outcomes. Inequality of success, inequality of talent, and inequality of genius. This leads to the exciting diversity in our lives.

We should give thanks for this!

Why strive for standardization, conformity, and mediocrity? It is the different gifts given to individuals, by our creator, that create the unique ideas and innovations that so enrich society. Freedom provides more opportunity for all people.

This is the idea behind The Gaspee Project’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Government is too big. We have elections to constrain government. It is critical that private property and the rights of individuals are protected in state law. This also means the elimination of laws that are unjust, discriminatory, and racist.

We do NOT hold riots. We don’t destroy downtown businesses. We don’t kill police officers. We defend our values by finding like minded people, asking for voluntary support, and educating the people. The Gaspee Project does not support the burning and looting that is taking place.

The violence across the country is a threat to the builders, investors, caregivers, professionals, and participants in a country that rewards hard work. Regardless of the outcome of the election, violence is not a legitimate political tool.

With Thanksgiving approaching, let us all express thanks for what we have, the opportunities available, and respect the lives and livelihoods of people. We must also condemn the racist-socialist-facist use of violence as a political weapon.

The other side has an opportunity to express the same level of respect for the lives and livelihoods of people by condemning violence. I hope they do.

Clay Johnson is Chairman of The Gaspee Project.

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