David Aucoin: Common Sense in Our Schools? It’s Not So Common!

I love this quote: “Common sense is like deodorant. People who need it most never use it!” Another that makes me chuckle is: “Common sense is not a gift; it’s a punishment — because you have to deal with everyone who doesn’t have it.

It’s true, some days watching the news can seem like a punishment because there is little that reflects common sense. But recently the Brazilian government exercised some common sense that we here in the U.S. could learn from.

According to the New York Times, Brazil’s government has a message for adolescents as that nation struggles with high teen pregnancy rates and rising H.I.V. infections. That message is: Save Sex for Marriage!

Wow! I haven’t heard a public figure say that in a long time. But that is what Damares Alves, Brazil’s minister of human rights, is encouraging as she promotes abstinence. She says Brazilian youth are having sex because of social pressure, and she is working closely with a campaign called I Chose to Wait. Now that’s common sense!

Schools here in the U.S. should take a lesson from her playbook. Parents can no longer assume that schools will act in their best interest when it comes to moral values. Schools often bypass parents and cater to Planned Parenthood and LGBT activists when it comes to sex education. And that validates this quote: “It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have an education with no common sense.”

Another area to watch is transgender sports. This could be one of the most blatant violations of common sense. Watch this clip to get a feel for how this lack of common sense is frustrating and discouraging for our young athletes in schools all across America.

Did you know that every Democratic 2020 frontrunner supports legislation that would freely allow male athletes into girls’ sports? They will do this by passing the so-called Equality Act. Don’t let the name fool you. There is nothing “equal” about it, and certainly no common sense. It would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” protected under federal anti-discrimination laws.

Thankfully, there are legislators who don’t want this to happen in Rhode Island, and Family Policy Alliance is helping support them. Our youth are a priceless gift, and we want to pass on to them a Rhode Island where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished. Your prayer and financial support will help us do just that.

David Aucoin is the Chairman of the Rhode Island Board of Advisors for the Family Policy Alliance.

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