What’s in… What’s out… 9/6/19
What’s in…
1. Mobile sports betting. Get those cell phones ready — mobile sports betting is legal and up and running in Rhode Island. It’s making its debut after a slow month of gaming revenue at Twin River due to the opening of the new Encore Casino in Boston. One has to wonder how this will work out. I heard a spokesperson on the WPRO AM radio today from Twin River tell Tara Granahan that people can feel free to use mobile sports betting from their home or office.
I am not being cynical, but that just brought up a whole new issue to me. Will people be actually placing bets while they are at work? Will they be disciplined for doing that while working? I have so many questions and worries about this. Will our seniors get addicted and be in debt? Will our younger generations grow dependent on gaming for entertainment?
It just seems to open a whole new can of worms. One that we do not have all the answers for, yet. It’s a sad commentary when our state has to depend on gaming revenue to survive. And it even sadder to think of those who will be hurt by a gambling addiction.
2. RI National Guard. The RI National Guard is deploying troops to the Bahamas to help out after the devastating Hurricane Dorian has hit. Three airplanes will leave Quonset Air National Base on Friday, September 6, to help provide support in this time of crisis. The RI National Guard is always there when needed and deserve to be commended for their quick response to the Bahamas.
3. Two New Schools for North Providence. North Providence elementary school students returned Thursday morning to school this year at two new schools. James L. McGuire and Stephen Olney elementary schools opened up on Thursday morning to greet students in new state-of-the-art classrooms. Good job, Mayor Charles Lombardi!
What’s out…
1. EEE. Eastern Equine Encephalitis has been found in several spots in RI. The Department of Environmental Management will be spraying effected areas. A crew of two from North Fork Helicopters based in Long Island handled drops at three locations: the Valley Marsh area of Lincoln, Cumberland, and Central Falls; part of the Pawtuxet River in West Warwick; and Chapman Swamp in Westerly. The spraying is expected to help with the problem by killing the mosquitoes. Let’s hope it works!
2. New plans for downtown bus station. Governor Gina Raimondo has announced that new plans will be put out to bid to develop an underground bus terminal in Kennedy Plaza. The state plans to use most of a $35 million infrastructure bond, as well as a portion of the $25 million in federal funding that was secured for the Providence train station renovation.
3. Hurricane Dorian. Packed a powerful lunch as it passed the Bahamas. Catastrophic damage was done. Hurricane Dorian update as follows by meteorologist John Donnelly: “Best forecast track takes the storm along the southeast coast and past the Hatteras seashore by Friday afternoon, after which weakening will occur as it passes over slightly cooler water, choking off the fuel supply. The natural twist from northward movement will keep Dorian in the hurricane category through the weekend, becoming an extra-tropical storm over the cool north Atlantic waters east of the Canadian Maritimes.”
Rhode Island is expecting to feel the remnants of the storm Friday and Saturday with winds and high tides. Be careful if you are near the shoreline. Best wishes for a safe weekend everyone!
Featured image by Dave Amadio.