Global Warming: You Mean There’s a Debate to Be Had?

The global warming debate continues, but at least we’re now to the point of debating whether there is a debate to be had.

Back-Yard-Parking State Employee Got Overtime in Prior Years

As in recent articles from the Current, an investigative report from Tim White, of WPRI, shows another state employee whose funding comes from federal and other sources and whose work practices happen to be deserving of scrutiny.

Sustainable Development’s Hazy Definition in Rhode Island

Largely under the radar, Rhode Island is in the midst of a three year planning process for “sustainable development,” which some critics see as a means of regulating in the name of environmentalism.

Things We Read Today (43), Tuesday

Explaining Rhode Island’s decline in four brief sections: legal process, the economy, the media, and fashionable graft.

Things We Read Today (40), Weekend

What subsidizes green?; what the unions want the pension law to say; First Family Holiday Fame; America, the Special.

Wind Power Supporters Challenge Allegations in Complaint to Attorney General

Contrary to what was alleged in a complaint filed with Attorney General Peter Kilmartin, the East Bay Energy Consortium (EBEC) has pursued a proposed wind power project in a fiscally responsible, open, and transparent manner, according to some of the government figures named in the complaint.

Wind Power Proponents Advance “Unlawful” Scheme at Taxpayer Expense, AG Complaint Says

RI taxpayers could be on the hook for a costly, unworkable wind power project that lacks and discernible environmental benefits if the East Bay Energy Consortium and its partners in government are permitted to overstep legal boundaries, a complaint with the attorney general claims.

Things We Read Today (17), Weekend

Returning RI to its natural state; RI as a playground for the rich; the gimmick of QE; the gimmick of digital records; killing coal/economy; when “Mostly False” means true.

Things We Read Today (13), Tuesday

Days off from retirement in Cranston; the conspiracy of low interest rates; sympathy with the Satanic Verses; the gas mandate; and the weaponized media.

Things We Read Today This Weekend, 6

The topics of hope and hopelessness pervaded this weekend’s readings, from absurd labor rules in schools, to the likely outcome of Make It Happen, to Spencer Dickinson’s insider view, and then to Sandra Fluke.

Wind Turbine Profits Blown Away in Portsmouth

Portsmouth’s wind turbine has run into technical problems, and Rhode Islanders should learn a broader lesson about government in business.

06/05/12 – House Floor & Committee on Environment and Natural Resources

Justin whiles away the evening writing from the State House floor (campaign finance) and House Environment and Natural Resources Committee hearing (EBEC).

Putting the EDC in the Wind Farm Business

A quasi-public wind farm proposal is still flying below most Rhode islanders’ radar and changing shape from month to month, the latest idea being to make it a subsidiary of the EDC.

The High Cost of Mandates, Wind, and Energy

Rhode Island has the seventh highest energy costs, and renewable energy standards are a likely contributor.

04/05/12 – House Floor Session & Committee on Environment and Natural Resources

Justin writes live from the House Committee on Environment and Natural Resources hearing, including (for one thing) creation of a new public consortium with powers of eminent domain.

3.5% of RI Land Preserved

In the past few months, the Department of Environmental Management has purchased land or the development rights for nearly 100 acres of land at a cost just under $1 million.

Sen. Whitehouse on the Left-Right Scale and Chafee on the Left

National Journal ranking of liberal and conservative legislators points to politics and posturing.

The Silence After the Big Arctic Melt

If there really is such a thing as a “tipping point” in global warming, shouldn’t we begin to figure out the “what then” now?

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