Progressive Vision: A Plan To Take Even More Control Of Your Life
This is a true battle of visions. Their progressive vision would transform our home state into a liberal hell. Rhode Island could become a place where businesses face even higher legal risks and our citizens would be even less free to live their own lives. Can you imagine making Rhode Island an even less attractive place for employers with fewer good job opportunities for families? The progressive government-centric approach crowds out private innovation and suppresses prosperity— a nightmare.
Just days ago, the progressives tipped their hand, and showed their plans to make things even harder on the Rhode Island families. Not only do they plan to take more control of your life, the new Progressive Values Pledge declares open warfare on Rhode Island Speaker Mattiello & moderate Democrats. This pledge translates to higher taxes, more business regulations, higher energy rates, more fraudulent voting, more government control over our lives, more union power, and less 1st and 2nd Amendment rights.
Our Center has regularly maintained that if more Rhode Islanders are to have more opportunities to work in better-paying jobs, then more and better businesses must be free to grow when more disposable personal and corporate income becomes available to re-invest in business enterprises. Ours is the vision that will empower the people of Rhode Island to achieve their dreams.
A free-market approach to economic development benefits far more people and creates far more growth than our state’s existing crony-socialism approach. For too long, there has only been one way of doing things in the Ocean State. We have seen the results in our state’s failing rankings. There are much stronger solutions than the progressive agenda. If only lawmakers were to realize that there are proven free market answers, we could restore prosperity to Rhode Island. Things do not have to be this way. I encourage you to speak out often and loudly against the progressive schemes to take money from your family.