Ramona Bessinger to Conduct Informational Forum for Parents

Ramona Bessinger, the Providence “whistle-blower” teacher who was suspended for truthfully raising awareness about divisive and inappropriate school curricula, along with co-leaders of the RI Chapter of the Independent Women’s Network, Geeta Chougule and Jean Lehane, will provide more information about their upcoming parents’ forum … as guests on In The Dugout with Mike Stenhouse, this coming Wednesday at 4:00 PM at www.OceanStateCurrent.com/LIVE .

From Ramona …

Children are being weaponized while attending school, they are being indoctrinated and abused by a public school system intent on erasing American history and biological sex.

Currently, there are children who are not being properly educated, and in fact may be in harm’s way as a race-based education system that distorts history, our society and a child’s sexual identity, hijacks schools across the United States.  We owe it to the children not to stereotype them, shame them, or teach them to hate others based on the color of their skin.

We also owe our children K-12 protection from harmful Sex-Ed content that has surpassed reasonable academic standards. My sincere hope by having this presentation is to raise awareness and educate parents on what precisely is happening in their children’s schools.

Secondly, I hope to provide concrete action steps for parents who wish to intervene and remove these harmful curriculum platforms.Through parental awareness and grassroots action steps, I hope the US Department of Education and its political supporters will reverse course and restore political neutrality to our schools.

I hope to see you at our event.

Ramona Bessinger

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