Reality Reasserting Itself… for Some
Frank Somerville, an anchor for KTVU news in California, has declined the mainstream veil of silence on the nature of Antifa. After visiting the “anti-hate protest” in Berkeley, he wrote:
I walked away stunned. I grew up in Berkeley. I marched in anti-war protests during the sixties. It’s one thing to read about hate. It’s another thing to be right next to it. In my opinion, these people dressed in black are just as hateful and intolerant as the people they are protesting against.
Afterward I was talking to several other protesters (not dressed in black). One of them actually stood up for me as the people dressed in black were threatening me. I was touched. They were just as disappointed as I was. They said that the people dressed in black represent a small minority and that they “hijack” the protests.
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I can’t help but contrast, however, the insistence that this represents “a small minority” “hijacking” protests with the treatment of the Tea Party. The conservatives didn’t even have “a small minority” hurting people and breaking things, and they received no credit for it. Rather, the news media slandered the entire movement and yawned away a “non-scandal” as the Obama Administration’s IRS targeted such groups to disrupt their political advocacy and harass them.
(Curious, isn’t it, that the “small minority” of vicious masked thugs is on the same ideological side as the administration that corrupted government into dictatorial behavior. It seems almost like a coordinated effort to undermine our system of government.)
As the new saying goes, that’s a big part of why you got Trump.