Kavanaugh Hearings Show the Choice That Has Been Coming for You

Maybe it’s a small thing, but among the more peculiar assertions I’ve seen floating around over the last week is that the American people should be impressed by the fact that a bunch of college professors signed a letter opposing the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.  For many of us on the political right, that letter is a sign that he must be confirmed.  An essay from Rod Dreher, last week, comes to mind:

… this Kavanaugh thing has focused my mind sharply. Look at the Yale Law School professors and students. These people are the enemy. That is undeniable now. It’s not that they oppose Brett Kavanaugh. It’s that they are so ideologized that they will stop at nothing to destroy him, or anybody else who gets in their way. They have turned him from a human being into a symbol of something they want to destroy.

Dreher has seemed to lean on the Never Trump side of things and was more sympathetic to the late attacks on Kavanaugh than other conservatives, but he appears to be coming around to the conclusion of those who supported Trump before the election, writing, “I have been driven by the liberal elites into believing that whatever their sins and failings, the Republicans are the only thing standing between me (and people like me) and the destruction that these highly ideologized left-wing elites would happily wreak on us, for the sake of their idea of Justice.”

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Would any of the other Republican options have stood up to the Left like this?  Maybe Ted Cruz would have done so, which might explain why he was the last non-Trump candidate standing in that Republican primary.  But I’d bet more and more are willing to make a stand as it becomes clear that compromising with the Left is only ever a delay in their death blow, as they wait for you to weaken.  Progressives simply don’t believe in the basic principles required for a truly pluralistic society that honors a right to disagree.

So, Dreher writes about Kavanaugh:

I look at him, and what’s being done to him, and see my sons, and even my daughter. If they were nominated for a position like Kavanaugh’s, I would want them to have a fair hearing. I don’t think that’s possible any more in America, not for the kind of people identified by the cultural Left as the Enemy. And make no mistake, if my daughter grows up to be a believing Christian and a social conservative, she will be the Enemy, as sure as my sons will be. These cultural elites would eagerly destroy the character of my children, as well as myself and most of my friends, to pursue their political goals.

President Trump and the GOP Senate forced things to this head.  They stood up to the Left, and everybody is able to see what progressives have been slowly doing to people with whom they disagreed on the margins.  The choice between capitulation and vitriol was and is coming for you.  Fortunately, another thing we can see, at this political moment, is that there’s still a chance to turn it away.

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