Entries by Dr. Andrew Bostom MD, MS

Photo Journalism by Dr. Andrew Bostom from Saturday’s N.K. child “grooming” presentation

These images were part of a presentation on February 11 by concerned North Kingstown mom, Ramona Bessinger, who is also a suspended Providence teacher for blowing the whistle on inappropriate curricula in Providence schools. The photos are examples of the inappropriate content that is being pushed upon North Kingstown students in school curricula or by […]

OPINION: Katie Lied?* Biased RI Reporting on a Possible Covid-19 Vaccine Requirement for School Children (*apologies to Steely Dan)

The promise of journalistic objectivity is not fulfilled by biased RI Reporting on a Possible Covid-19 Vaccine Requirement for School Children

Covid-19 Vaccine Zealotry Continues To Plague Our Children (Nationally, and Here In Rhode Island)

The CDC’s house organ publication Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR) released nationally representative surveillance data that fully 74-75% of children aged <1 to 17 years old had antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein of SARSCOV2 as of February 2022. These findings, in lay terms, mean that three-fourths of U.S. children and adolescents through age 17 had naturally-acquired immunity to covid-19, by February 2022, conferring them with a protection which is more broad and enduring than covid-19 vaccine-acquired immunity.

Rhode Island GOP’s Golden Gloves Gubernatorial Candidate

Ashley Kalus’ announcement of her candidacy for governor of Rhode Island as the Republican “fighter Rhode Island needs right now,” included this unusual validating claim: “Ashley Kalus is a Golden Gloves boxing champion.” Skeptical of all politicians, I sought to confirm Ms. Kalus’ assertion.

Why Covid-19 and Influenza Vaccine Mandates For Rhode Island Health Care Workers Defy Evidence-Based Medicine

Dating back to the seminal 1954 polio vaccine trial involving 1.8 million U.S. children [1], randomized, controlled trials have generated the gold-standard evidence for making public health recommendations [2,3]. I repeat “recommendations,” not “mandates.” There are no data from four decades of influenza vaccine randomized, controlled trials, and < 2-years of covid-19 vaccine randomized, controlled trials, […]

Unheralded RIDOH Website Clarifies Relative Impact of Pediatric Influenza and Covid-19 in Rhode Island

Almost completely hidden from public view, I just recently discovered a new source of data available from the RI Department of Health (RIDOH) website. One of the inescapable findings based on our state’s own data … is that serious adverse reactions to the Covid-19 virus among children are far fewer, on average, than reactions to […]

The Rhode Island Center For Freedom & Prosperity: The Scientific Truth About Mask Mandates

In August of 2021, the State of Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Department of Health implemented a school mask mandate which will extend at least into January of 2022. Subsequently, there has been much public debate and outcry about the wisdom and motives behind this heavy-handed policy, including a lawsuit brought by concerned parents.

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