Entries by Justin Katz

Ruggerio Loses Pro-Life Endorsement

How much difference this will make in a state where progressives are surging and our entire system of government appears designed to rig elections remains to be seen. In a state as far gone as Rhode Island, however, clarity is critical.

The Key Point on Union-Democrat Hegemony

Contrary to Ian Donnis’s suggestion, it is the labor movement’s fault that other interest groups don’t muster a comparable level of political activity, because it isn’t really a question of “don’t”; it’s “can’t.”

A Glimpse of Another Way in RI

For a moment, Tiverton had a glimpse of a different way — one in which people with very different ideas and incentives are honest and open and work toward a compromise, replacing kick-backs and showboating with mutual understanding.

Raimondo in Your Backyard

Why are Rhode Islanders tolerating Democrat Governor Gina Raimondo’s assumption of power so far beyond what the government of a free people ought to assume?

Leaving No Place for the Disagreers

It seems that leaving people an escape is intolerable to the Left, because overcoming the natural desire to live free of progressive rules requires that no other option seems possible.

Journalism Off Its Track

Trends in journalism accord with the impression that many conservatives have of the coming progressive totalitarianism — that it will be some kind of mixture of revolutionary France, the Google playhouse office campus, and Mean Girls.

Narrative Battles and Games with Models, 7/13/20 Data

If we see an increase in hospitalizations, it may very well be an indication that fewer people are dying, which is good, and that people are in the hospital for other reasons, which isn’t an indication that COVID is overwhelming our resources.

One Way to Gauge Who You Would Have Been

In a recent Twitter thread, Princeton Professor Robert George gets at a question that has long interested me: How can you tell who you would have been in ages past — what side of a controversy you would have taken?

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