Entries by Justin Katz

Let’s Not Overdo the RI History Revisionism

Ever since Rhode Island Speaker of the House Nicholas Mattiello invited accusations of ignorance by questioning whether there had ever been slavery in the Ocean State, the pendulum has been swinging the other way.

Discomfort in the Look

If it’s true that white people are becoming “uncomfortable in their whiteness” for the first time, it’s a fabricated phenomenon that is not healthy for our society.

Headlines Designed to Divide

If you were trying to sow division and promote civil unrest (and maybe civil war), you would promote the narrative of these CNBC headlines.

Whistleblower HR Meeting Just the Start

Department of Health employee Lisa Camuso provides an update after her Wednesday meeting with Dept. of Health and Dept. of Administration officials related to her appearance on In the Dugout with Mike Stenhouse.

A Century of Slime-Throwing

One hundred years after the Klan scare in Rhode Island, it’s about time for an effective defense to guilt-by-(accusations-of)-association attacks to be found.

Games with Models, 6/25/20 Data

The story of today’s COVID-19 data release for RI is one of revision. Numbers came in above my projections, but that’s largely because earlier data was revised up.

Work-from-Home Globalization

As technology brings the benefits of globalization down to the individual level, will it mean greater opportunity for work-life balance, or the democratization of war?

Games with Models, 6/18/20 Data

Today’s data report is the first since early April that shows fewer than 1,000 “active”cases, defined with the assumption that the average case lasts 14 days.

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