10 News Conference Wingmen, Episode 4 (Cranston “Creed” Banner)

Justin Katz and Steve Ahlquist discuss prayer/creed banners in Cranston and the separation of Church and State.

How the Media and Culture Bedazzle the Population

Americans support conservative/Republican policies, but distortions in the media, entertainment, and cultural fields lead them still to prefer progressives/Democrats.

How Could Any Society Advance Like This?

Rules, rules, rules — whether for the experience of modifying houses, business activities, or Bob Plain’s arrest record — keep our community from realizing its potential.

The Government Replaces God at Cranston West

A “Creed” banner to replace the banned “Prayer” banner at Cranston High School West replaces God with the government and a free people should find it deeply disturbing.

The Pope Allows the World to See the Face It Needs to See

Pope Francis has not revolutionized the beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church (whatever a godless media might say). But maybe the tide has turned, and the world is seeing the face of the Church that it needs to see.

Things We Read Today (55)

Chafee’s record; the many ways to spy on civilians; what a constitution is for; when the debate on health-plan abortion?; the “natural right” to work the land.

Staggering to the Land of the Unfree

In the name of the cause of same-sex marriage, American government is completely flipping requirements about who must follow what laws when in their work, freeing government and shackling citizens.

Things We Read Today (54)

Quadrupling down on Rhode Island; finding the American-statist antidote in the Ocean State; school choice as the real civil rights battle of the day; who gets media “support” and why.

Things We Read Today (53)

Republican diversity; John Galt moves to the Ocean State; RI’s employment backslide; “how could it come to that?”

Ashton Kutcher Delivers Message Teens Need to Hear

Probably best known for portraying characters that exist primarily in the slacker/doofus spectrum, actor Ashton Kutcher accepted a Teen Choice Award the other night and revealed that he really isn’t a slacker and that being a doofus ain’t cool.

And They Will Be Divided According to the Plan

The opening chapters of Huxley’s Brave New World resonate uncomfortably with observations of the state of education and popular culture.

Identifying the Culprit in the MSM Decline

What’s happening to the news media these days? Perhaps it’s tough to maintain a large, popular audience from a narrow, out-of-touch tower.

School Choice Would Teach Students to Be American

Essays submitted to the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity’s “Friedman Legacy Day 2013” contest suggest that public schools are preparing students for public dependency, not the dynamic process of overcoming obstacles on which the American dream is founded.

The Radical Change You Didn’t Mean Before

The narrow intellectual framing of the news media and popular culture have a tendency to sensationalize the candid statements of contemplative people and organizations, as with Pope Francis and his comments on the “gay lobby.”

Things We Read Today (51): Wednesday

Ethical hardship in the governor’s office; IRS scandal… drip, tick, drip, tock; missing culprits in racial division; getting out of the pension business.

A Quick Thought on Zoning & Affordable Housing

Discussion of affordable housing needs to come out of the realm of theory and be understood through reasoning about human nature and geography.

Lessons in Civics and Tolerance

Undermining the civic structure of the United States is a bit more serious of an act than should be compartmentalized in balance with endearing sci-fi references.

Natural Born Killers Society (Re-Pub)

Addendum: I wrote this post back on April 22, talking about how our society likes to glamorize the worst criminals. I just thought I’d bring it back up again…

Chafee to People with Traditional Morality: You Get Nothing!

Governor Chafee’s veto of a minor bill to create “Choose Life” license plates indicates a belief that, democracy notwithstanding, people with views different than his must be excluded from the activities of government.

Higher Ed Commissioner and Health Exchange: How State Government Sees Ethics and You

An update on the Commissioner of Higher Education ethics issue doesn’t cast the state executive in any better light, and marketing materials for the RI ObamaCare health benefits exchange don’t present young men as parts of families.

Sometimes, It’s Enough to Hold the Line

Finding a civic metaphor in peculiar Rhode Island traffic patterns.

Portsmouth Institute 2013 Conference: “Catholicism and the American Experience,” Day 1, Roger Kimball

At the Portsmouth Institute conference on “Catholicism and the American Experience,” Roger Kimball presented the art world as a hollow religion, standing in opposition to ordinary life just because.

A Declaration for All Generations

Reflections upon a morning reading of the Declaration of Independence.

College Loan Interest Rates Doubled Today

The sky is falling! 22 year olds are leaving college with $27,000 of debt and now they’ll have to pay 6.8% in interest on it! For a career path they chose. Can we stop with the hysteria and look at the bigger picture. They have plenty of time to pay it off and look at the long-term benefits.

A Chill on a Hot Day

Using current controversies to contrive a trick for cooling off on a hot day.

Roosevelt Society and the Right’s Biggest Challenge

The Roosevelt Society’s inaugural event, featuring “conservative black chick” Crystal Wright, raised the central challenge of the American Right… even though nobody seemed to see it.

For Lack of a Cri de Coeur

Some thoughts on the obligation to be cranky and contrarian in modern day Rhode Island.

The Good of Public Education

The school choice debate comes down to philosophy and priorities, and the education of the public, in its vast diversity, should come first.

Portsmouth Institute 2013 Conference: “Catholicism and the American Experience,” Day 1, Peter Steinfels

Peter Steinfels offered some intellectually challenging opposition to conservative Catholics at the Portsmouth Institute conference on “Catholicism and the American Experience.”

Portsmouth Institute 2013 Conference: “Catholicism and the American Experience,” Day 1, Robert George

Robert George’s opening talk at the 2013 Portsmouth Institute conference on “Catholicism and the American Experience” argued for the necessity of religious freedom, in opposition both to theocratic imposition of doctrine and secular exclusion of existential searching.

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