Liberal ​Harvey Weinstein Has Actualized Loony Lefties’ Wholesale Fictional Portrait of Right-Leaning Men

You’ve undoubtedly seen the ​escalatingly disgusting reports about the conduct of movie producer and Miramax co-founder Harvey Weinstein: repeatedly, overtly taking advantage of the power of his position to inflict himself in the most repulsive ways on women, up to and including allegations of rape. (Seth MacFarlane’s insightful allusion to this at the 2013 Oscars is, in retrospect, very telling.)

My principal reaction to these revelations was anger at such a horrible abuse of power: that someone would take advantage, particularly in such a gross personal way, of someone over whom they hold power.

The other thing that struck me, however, is that Weinstein’s revolting behavior is what loonie lefties like to pretend all Republican and right-of-center men have probably done and are most certainly seething to do. (Left-leaning and Democrat men are not automatically cleared of this guilt but they are at least permitted the opportunity to prove themselves innocent.) Now it turns out that it was the liberal darling of a very high profile liberal community who acted out such terrible behavior. He is not the only person to ever do so; far from it. But he also visibly does not fit in the demographic who is purportedly solely guilty of such an attitude and behavior.

On Twitter, someone cautioned me to “tread lightly” on this subject as “there’s plenty of hypocrisy on both side of the aisle”. I am grateful that he did so as it allows me to clarify that this has nothing whatever to do with hypocrisy. It has to do with the wholesale, baseless, obviously absurd defamation of a certain large demographic solely because they hold views on the “wrong” side of the spectrum. The terrible revelations about Harvey Weinstein firmly rebut this absurd attitude and remind us to judge the behavior of individuals, rather than blanket defame entire swaths of the population simply because one disagrees with their views.

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