RI Should Follow Virginia & Liberate Motorists from CA’s EV Mandate
PUBLISHER’S NOTE from Mike Stenhouse:
One by one, US states are decoupling their energy policies from the oppressive emissions policies set forth by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) … yet Rhode Island lawmakers refuse to free Ocean State motorists from unattainable and costly CARB mandates.
If Rhode Island does not change course, and away from CARB’s Electric Vehicle mandates, by next decade the sale of gas powered vehicles will be prohibited in our state … forcing motorists to purchase much more expensive, lower performing, and less reliable EVs. EV’s cost nearly $10,000 more than gas-powered cars, on average.
In late 2023, Connecticut abandoned CARB. Now, in mid 2024, Virginia has followed suit by restoring consumer choice and ending its state’s adherence to California’s emissions standards … set by unelected bureaucrats and extremist ideologues over 3000 miles away.
Similarly, Ocean State motorists deserve the right to choose which vehicle they will drive. Similarly, Ocean State lawmakers must take an “all of the above” approach by decoupling from CARB and providing vehicle freedom to its drivers.
Check out my recent opinion piece: Now is the time for RI to decouple from CARB.