T.Rowley: 40% of Brown Univ. Students Identify as Queer
by Travis Rowley as published on his Good Men Podcast
Democrats Say: No Social Contagion Whatsoever
People familiar with Brown University already know that its campus earned a reputation for radical liberalism many-many years ago.
One delightful college memoir from 20 years ago (Out of Ivy!) explained:
“With the waning of the civil rights movement, the feminist movement, and the Vietnam era, college activism also subsided. Not as much at Brown, however. My alma mater achieved its activist reputation in the 1960s, but unlike other colleges and universities, Brunonians continued their activism in the years that followed. In the 1980s and 1990s they were organizing against things like sweatshops and the Gulf War. Long before I arrived there, political rallying had simply become a way of life for Brown students and faculty. On its website Brown University speaks of the overwhelming vitality of student activity: ‘It is a testament to the special ethos of the College that, once at Brown, students quickly engage not only in the intellectual rigors of the classroom, but also in activities that complement and enhance their academic pursuits.’ ”
Of course, we all know by now the tone and tenor of such academic enhancement. Even the high-profile, lesbian-feminist professor Camille Paglia had to admit about my alma mater, “Brown is the most viciously intolerant campus that I ever visited as a lecturer.”
Try bringing a notable conservative to Brown’s campus. See what happens.
“Our goal was for the lecture to be canceled from the beginning.” Those were the words of one Brown student in 2013 after the Campus Left managed to terminate an organized discussion with New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly – the man responsible for implementing the City’s controversial “stop-and-frisk” policy.
Brown has always had a knack for shocking the public several years before other liberal campuses earn their own embarrassing headlines (and perhaps 10-15 years before the country at large embraces the campus madness).
Brown’s “open curriculum” that emerged in the 1960s halted any requirement for students to appreciate Western Civilization or American exceptionalism by allowing every student to formulate his own learning experience.
Since then, Brown students have studied whatever the hell they wanted to study.
The result?
A 2007 inquiry conducted by the University of Connecticut’s Department of Public Policy found that Brown students experience an educational phenomenon called “negative learning” — a term that describes a situation in which freshmen demonstrate more civic knowledge than the seniors.
Who was the first president of the United States?
Brown Freshmen: “George Washington.”
Brown Sophomores: “Abraham Lincoln.”
Brown Juniors: “Probably some racist dude.”
Brown Seniors: “Climate Change!”
In the early 2000s Brown, a university then discovered to have a 30:1 Democrat/Republican faculty ratio, was paying out reparations for its role in the transatlantic slave trade. Student activists were already banning the celebration of Columbus Day, protesting “hetoronormativity,” demanding uni-sex bathrooms, and defending the Queer Alliance’s annual sex-themed bashes — notoriously known asSex, Power, God and Starf*ck.
Brown got out in front of the “don’t assume my gender” craze as well. In 2017 a father declined his daughter’s acceptance to the Ivy League school when they began receiving letters and voicemails from the Dean of Admissions that continuously referred to the young lady as “they” and “them.” It turns out that Brown had decided to become the vanguard for “gender inclusivity.”
Brown University is more than a college with a liberal bias. It’s a progressive cartoon. Brown is where leftism goes to demonstrate what happens when you have no limiting principles whatsoever.
Now we get this headline …
Forty Percent of Brown University Students Say They Are LGBT
Could there be more potent evidence that liberals are hyper-prone to intellectual zombyism — to the point where thousands of them simultaneously deny their natural sexual urges in order to benefit a political trend?
Please excuse this quick “I told you so.” Way back in 2005, I claimed that “the [top priority of Brown’s LGBTA] is to convert every Brown student into a sexual heathen, numbing their eyes to the sight of anything hypersexual. Any words the Queer Alliance speaks, any lectures they sponsor, and any project they take part in — including a party — is a covert step toward that goal. … Each year they sponsor lectures by famous pornographers and ‘sex educators.’ They conduct oral-sex and anal-sex ‘workshops.’ They host ‘porn parties’ and ‘drag shows.’ ”
In response to the negative coverage Brown was receiving when Sex, Power, God was exposed, one University representative noted, “Lots of students had awkward conversations with their parents.”
Today, all Brown parents have to wonder how their children responded to the University’s latest survey regarding their sexual proclivities.
Will Brown’s latest radical absurdity soon replicate itself on other campuses? Worse, will it ultimately seep into the American culture?
Or is this latest headline such an overt sign of intellectual collectivism that students will perform a shameful retreat back into that boring state of heterosexual identity?