The following excerpts were provided to The Current by the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity.
They represent actual commentary from concerned citizens who have emailed the RI Board Of Education, encouraging them to REJECT the inaccurate and overly-politicized social studies standards, proposed by RI Department of Education and its Commissioner, Angelic Infante-Green. A vote to consider adoption of these inappropriate standards is scheduled for February 21, at 5:30 PM at the RIDE offices in Providence.
You can send a custom email to the RI BOE, by visiting
**** Check back regularly for more excerpts …
Please consider alternative models that offer comparative perspectives, encourage critical and independent thinking and debate. Let’s stop spoon-feeding kids a one sided narrative and support them in learning to think, and in feeling the sense of success that comes with learning to compare, contrast, debate and make connections. Thank you for your consideration, respectfully, Meg, RN, BA
Put your emphasis on appropriate learning and skills, NOT SOCIAL ENGINEERING!!!
All changes to curriculum should be reviewed and ratified by a committee of parents as well as the Board of Education.
I was lucky to be able to study US History in High School in an Advanced Placement Course, graduating from HS in 1971 and going on to college. I have spoken to teachers today with an MA in History and they have never even heard of books I had to read in HS, like DeTocqueville’s DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA. Rhode Island’s Students deserve better than a third rate education. REJECT THESE PITIFUL STANDARDS NOW!!!!!
PLEASE don’t adopt this “woke” type of education ideas. It is horrendous what is going on around our country with regard to the erasing parts of its history to promote another “history”. I DO NOT AGREE TO THIS and it is my tax dollars at work, too!
Filling our children with false hatreds and insecurities is harmful and foolish. Don’t do such an evil thing.
Please reject these ideas. We’re tired of paying thousands of dollars to schools only to see our kids fail basics because they are being indoctrinated as opposed to learning.
America is a great country. It is flawed in many ways as are its people. We must maintain the dignity of both country and citizens while teaching unemotional truth.
As a mother and tax payer I do not support any of these standards that you are trying to add.
Please stop trying so hard to “transform,” i.e. ruin, our country. I’m so glad my daughter, with 6 years of Providence College education and a Master’s, quit her career in Rhode Island schools. Your work has ruined everything.
Watch this on youtube and SHOW it to students, “Declaration of Independence Morgan Freeman”
so they can see human beings getting along together and respecting their country. Yes, we all know it’s not perfect, but obviously COUNTLESS people strive to come to America for FREEDOM, and the VAST majority of Americans get along with each other– despite the Big Media and other exploitative forces preying on people by constantly seeking to divide people.
REJECT RIDE’S inaccurate, inappropriate and stupid ,social studies standards. stick with true history.
Civics and US history curricula should not be politicized in the way that RIDE has Proposed. American history is what it is. Although there are aspects of it that as Americans we should not be proud of, we must tell the entire story. Taking down of monuments, not teaching the Civil War and allowing enactments for educational purposes is an actually wrong. Students need to learn that history is not always pretty but if we learn from the mistakes, we have become a better society.
Rewriting history has become too common by public schools. The true facts, in addition to only facts and not predesigned opinions, are the sole way topics should be presented. It is appauling how these “standards” are even presented. REJECT in full, citizens deserve better.
This is an abomination to the next generation and the blood will be on our hands if we don’t take a step back and consider the consequences of such deception and indoctrination of our children. The curriculum being pushed here is disgraceful, and the. “Social Justice” aspect of it is simply a smoke screen to what you are really trying to do, destroy this country from the inside out. Our children are not your weapons of mass destruction, let the children be children.
The BOE should be worried about the basics of learning not being politically correct.
I am opposed to the measures being taken to indoctrinate children and polarized them. Children naturally are not politicized or racist. We need to keep Civics and US History unbiased, therefore I urge the RI Board of Education to REJECT the proposed standards at your meeting today February 21, 2023. Thank you.
Greetings: As a former school committee member I know the importance of local control over the educational process. I reject any state interference in any town’s abilkity to provide a rich educational experience for all students. I reject the proposed social studies standards proposed by the RI Department of Education. I urge the board to vote NO. Thank you.
Please stop using our children!!!!
Total respect will be lost for Americas leadership if they disseminate incorrect information.
This biased political approach to civics and US history is wrong for children on so many levels that you must REJECT these standards and start again please.
Teaching children to judge each other on the basis of their skin color is the opposite of what we should be teaching them yet it is exactly what “anti-racist” training. Teaching the jealousy politics Marxist ideology and nestling it within a racist dogma historically has led to great atrocities.
Why is the Rhode Island Board of Education even considering doing this? When will they even acknowledge that the Left Socialist are behind this. You are leading the way to Socialism here in Rhode Island. It has to stop, NOW….
Stop the “woke agenda” teaching. Yes, tell the truth regarding our history not an embellished version to suit the narrative of a progressive Marxist movement.
Seriously, kids can’t do basic math and reading is also below standards we need to have success here in RI. Stop hurting our youth with the needs of some disturbed adults to make themselves feel more important than they are.
Please stop teaching our children to hate themselves, each other and this country. Our past is important to learn from but not to push an agenda THAT IS DIVIDING US.
The RI Board of Education has to stop indoctrinating or children with destructive twisted versions of the history of our country. There is only hatred of or country being indoctrinated into innocent minds by “woke” disturbed educators, at all levels. The national teacher unions are hotbeds of Marxist theories, only after a political power agenda. No love of children. Stop this in Rhode Island.
As a former teacher and mother of a large family, I oppose the new social study standards put forth by the RIDE.
Stop forcing our students to learn an inappropriate version of American history. Civics & US history should not be politicized in the way that RIDE has proposed.
.Our youth need to learn American history, Civics, and US history in truth of what happened and not politicized. We all need to learn the good and the bad so that history does not repeat itself.
Please reject this un-american and divisive social studies standard being proposed. Rhode Islanders do not want our children being indoctrinated with this garbage. Thank you.
We, as parents can teach our children what to decide. Your job is to teach the facts. Cultures learn from their mistakes and work on being better not worse. The results you’re getting will not enhance our republic but harm it. “A republic madam if you can keep it”.
This isn’t education, it’s indoctrination. Time to replace the government run schools with vouchers and private schools.
I am against the new social studies standards that are being put forth by RIDE. I have read through the literature and find that it is inconsistent with what we want for our children. There is no room for emotional jargon and unfounded and distorted outlines that are meaningless references to imagined problems regarding society as we know it. It is not coherent nor fact base.
When facts get glossed over with out being put in the correct order of the events, you tend to treat history as a political game. Shame on the educators who are bending to the woke crowed to exploit youth minds
Stop the political influence & teach history as it is
Civics and US history curricula should not be politicized in the way that RIDE has proposed.
REJECT the adoption of social studies standards proposed by the RI Department of Education and its commissioner by taking action below!
I want to be on record to demand that we not accept the woke curriculum that is being pushed on Rhode Island schools.
A recent report by the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity documented how these “standards” have been overly-politicized and are full of grammatical mistakes, inaccurate historical information, and anti-American propaganda. Therefore i am urging the Board to REJECT these unworthy “standards” as a start to getting Rhode Island back to educating children and not forcing ideas upon them.
Objectivity and presentation of all points of view are very important in any rational discussion. Parental involvement is crucial as well. Indoctrination has no place in the education of our children; teaching them to think objectively, analyze data, and to make informed decisions should be the goal of a successful curriculum. Thank you,
stop this evil insanity of brainwashing of our children into this twisted deceitful agenda pushed by these others. Our children matter and its about time they matter to the rest of u or get out of our schools if u’r agenda of deceit is more important to u than our children . Our schools should NEVER be used to push, indoctrinate, and brainwash our children in lies of this liberal twisted agenda.
These proposed standards, like everything else Angelica Infante-Green has touched, destroy our kids, and distort American history. There should be ZERO politicization in our teaching of history, ZERO action civics, and ZERO weaponizing our kids against our country. True history must be taught. My goal this year is to help rid our state of RIDE overreach, and to show Infante-Green the door.
Social Studies should be taught without one’s political thumb on the scales to position an outcome that is narrative based rather then intellectual, historical based. Teaching what to think versus how to think is criminal.
I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I am almost positive. This will do nothing to improve our proficiency ratings.
I appreciate some of the corrections that were made as a result of the Freedom & Prosperity Report but IT IS NOT ENOUGH!
I am concerned about how the recommendations of the Civics Readiness Task Force are going to be blended into the Social Studies curriculum. I am also frightened that no History/Civics curriculum from conservative circles has been used as a resource. Learning needs to be more balanced and truthful.
The politicization of K-12 education must be brought to an end.
When our children can’t even name the 50 states and their capitals, I think it’s safe to say that social justice and false narratives should not be the focus going forward.
Why not teach the children the truth, instead of trying to make them hate themselves, other students, and this great country with lies? Why not start by teaching how the Constitution is structured to be able to improve the Peoples’ freedoms?
Stop the lies and distortion of American history. The greatest nation on earth with God given rights. Communism eradicates our heritage, religion and history and replaces these things with distortions and rewritten history. Move to Cuba, Venezuela or China. They better represent your ideologies.
Don’t teach children to hate the USA, don’t teach them inaccurate historical information, and anti-American propaganda.
These proposed standards are bogus, and portray the history of the United States in an inaccurate manner. They seek to weaponize our kids against this country, while promoting action, civics and hatred. The standards are shallow and unmeasurable, making them unworthy of adoption.
As a proud citizen of this great state, I add my voice to those calling for the RI Board of Elections to reject the Social Studies Standards proposed by RIDE. As a high school social studies teacher, the overtly one-sided politicization of these standards is striking. As a father of three RI school children, I am saddened that one side of the pollical isle has so thoroughly embedded its voice throughout the new curriculum standards. I call on the RI Board of Education, to make decisions for all RI citizens, and not simply those in power, or with the loudest voices.
Please reject this proposal. History should not be rewritten..
Help educate our children not lie to them
NO CRT and NO LGBTQ etc …
Accuracy, and an inclusivity of ALL American history is key for Rhode Island’s youth. RIDE has failed and is failing to meet these goals in an unbiased objective manner, and the proposed standards will further damage our children’s exposure to good information that can foster clear critical thought, as opposed to a lock-step world view based on cherry-picked scenarios supporting a particular political agenda.
Stop this divisive ideological indoctrination of our children..
I am gravely concerned with mandated curriculum that has not been reviewed by parents or other citizens in the community. After researching this Social Studies program, I am very alarmed and I am asking you to reject it.
This rewriting of history and is promotion of inappropriate sex education has to STOP!
Teach the truth of the history of our beautiful country…not another version of hate
I have no faith in people who reject communication with the community and take it upon themselves to hide from the public eye while making decisions that DIRECTLY impact the everyday lives of our working families and their children. This assault on families and tax payer monies MUST come to an end!
I ask that you reject the politicized new proposed “standard” being thrust upon our children
I am asking you to REJECT the adoption of social studies standards proposed by the RI Department of Education and its commissioner
We can do better!
Holding whites responsible for past wrongs, not of their own doing, is racist and illegal. The USA is the only country ever in history to fight a civil war to eliminate slavery. The proposed curriculum incorrectly teaches otherwise. These egregious errors are deliberate attempts to strip white citizens of the rights endowed to all men by God and therefore cannot be taught in public schools.
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