Entries by Current Staff

DAILY SIGNAL: ‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This’: Texas Sheriff Blasts Biden for Border Crisis

Sheriff Roy Boyd of Goliad County, Texas, joined other law enforcement officials from his state last week to raise alarm about the border crisis that’s wreaking havoc in America. These local officials, who confront the consequences daily, are now calling it an “invasion.” >>> ‘We’re Being Invaded,’ Local Texas Leaders Say as Border Crisis Worsens […]

DAILY SIGNAL: Solving the Homelessness Problem in San Francisco

In this Saturday edition of “The Daily Signal Podcast,” Mary Theroux discusses her work to relieve the plight of the homeless in San Francisco by attempting to heal issues in their lives that led them to this condition. Theroux is board chairman and CEO of the Independent Institute, a libertarian think tank based in Oakland, […]

DAILY SIGNAL: An Assassin Kills Japanese Leader Shinzo Abe. Here’s What You Need to Know.

Shinzo Abe, a former prime minister of Japan, was slain Friday by an assassin at a campaign event. Abe, who was 67, served two stints as the Asian island nation’s leader, leaving office in 2020, and his legacy loomed large over Japan. The longest-serving Japanese leader’s killing sent shock waves throughout the country and across […]

WANTED: State Police Seek ID of “man in green jacket” who perpetrated the Friday Night of Rage violence

As suggested weeks ago by Mike Stenhouse on his In The Dugout video podcast, it now appears that the RI State Police have finally shifted their attention away from the peace-keeping efforts of Providence police officer, Juann Lugo, and are now searching for the mysterious “man in the green jacket” who started the violence at […]

DAILY SIGNAL: How Pro-Abortion District Attorneys Aim to Derail Pro-Life Laws

In the wake of the Supreme Court striking down Roe v. Wade and returning the issue of abortion to the American people and their local elected representatives, a gaggle of leftist district attorneys said they won’t enforce laws enacted to protect the unborn. Some of those rogue district attorneys are from pro-life states and might […]

DAILY SIGNAL: Why Boris Johnson Resigned and What It Means for Britain’s Future

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation Thursday, saying his party had made it clear he should do so. “It is clearly now the will of the Parliamentary Conservative Party that there should be a new leader of that party, and therefore, a new prime minister,” Johnson told a crowd outside the prime minister’s […]

Domestic Terrorist NICOLE SOLAS on her suspension by TWITTER for “hateful conduct” and Senator Mack video #InTheDugout – July 7, 2022

* Potential UPDATE on school mask lawsuit
* Tyrants abandoning ship?
* Left defies SCOTUS rulings

DAILY SIGNAL: Celebrities Are Saying Only Women Are Women. Is Transgender Movement Fading?

Singer Macy Gray and actress Bette Midler made headlines recently for saying only women are women. The two celebrities made their bold statements—bold for this day and age, at least—over the July Fourth holiday weekend. “WOMEN OF THE WORLD! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our […]

DAILY SIGNAL: What Could Have Prevented Highland Park Mass Shooting?

America recently has suffered through a spate of mass shootings. Most recently, a gunman fired on a crowd of people on the Fourth of July in Highland Park, Illinois. Seven were killed and more than 40 others were injured. Across the country, concerned citizens ask, “Why?” Why does this keep happening and what can we […]

XTRA Innings: Josh Mello Tells His Family’s Heartbreaking Story #InTheDugout

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news and events happening in Rhode Island? If so, then this podcast is for you! We discuss current events that are affecting the Ocean State. We also give you interviews with local and national knowledge experts on the most important topics. Our goal is to make sure everyone has access to the information they need to be informed citizens. Tune into #InTheDugout every Monday through Thursday live at 4:00pm on the Ocean State Current for your weekly dose of news and views!

Sten is back! #InTheDugout – July 6, 2022


Larger implications of Tiara Mack “twerking” video
Media’s FAKE NARRATIVE regarding Juann Lugo continues

Newsome TROLLS DeSantis
China tariffs

DAILY SIGNAL: How Biden’s Energy Policies Harm African Americans

While gas prices remain at an average of $4.80 a gallon, the Biden administration continues to promote “environmental justice” policies that Donna Jackson says are harming black Americans. “When you have someone that’s spending more than 30% of their income for gasoline and they’re making choices between whether their kids can have … food to […]

Jen’s Three Cents – 9

Long-time Ocean State radio personality and In The Dugout co-host on Monday’s, Jennifer Brien provides her THREE CENTS worth of commentary on the hot issues of the day. The standard two cents just isn’t enough for Jen to weigh-in … so we gave her an extra penny’s worth of time.

RON & JEN July 5th Extravaganza #InTheDugout – July 5, 2022

Jen Brien and Ron St. Pierre join Sten on today’s episode of #InTheDugout Podcast. They bring their unique perspectives to some of the biggest stories making headlines.

From a lighter perspective, they discuss everything from the latest news to politics and current affairs. It’s all about making sure everyone has access to the information they need to be informed citizens. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

DAILY SIGNAL: A Road Map for Finding Success and Happiness

Tom Lewis knows what it takes to find success and happiness in life. He’s a living example. As founder of the T.W. Lewis Co., an Arizona-based real estate investment company known for its outstanding quality and customer service in the homebuilding industry, Lewis built a thriving business while being a devoted dad. Now, he’s sharing […]

DAILY SIGNAL: How Mississippi Led Way to Overturn Roe, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Explains

At the center of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is the Mississippi case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In 2018, Mississippi passed a 15-week abortion ban. The abortion clinic Jackson Women’s Health challenged the law. “When I took office, that case had been sitting at the Fifth Circuit and it […]

XTRA Innings: The Alternative to Critical Race Theory is Here #InTheDugout – June 30, 2022

Sten conducts a detailed interview with David Randall, the leader of the newly launched AMERICAN BIRTHRIGHT initiative, which seeks to provide a patriotic set of social studies & civics standards … as an alternative to Critical Race Theory

DAILY SIGNAL: Hundreds of Lives Already Saved Since Roe Reversal, Kristan Hawkins Says

Kristan Hawkins has been preparing for a post-Roe America for 16 years. For her, the Supreme Court decision Friday to overturn Roe v. Wade was surreal. Hawkins leads the pro-life organization Students for Life, which seeks to educate young Americans on the issue of abortion. Waking up Saturday, Hawkins estimated “over 400 children … would […]

DAILY SIGNAL: Mississippi’s Governor Is Building Pro-Life Culture. Will Rest of America Follow?

The Supreme Court decision Friday that overruled Roe v. Wade and did away with the premise that there’s a constitutional right to an abortion was in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The case originated in Mississippi and was the linchpin in the greatest victory for the pro-life cause in the past […]

Sten on RI budget & Swamp #InTheDugout -June 29, 2022

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news and events happening in Rhode Island? If so, then this podcast is for you! We discuss current events that are affecting the Ocean State. We also give you interviews with local and national knowledge experts on the most important topics. Our goal is to make sure everyone has access to the information they need to be informed citizens. Tune into #InTheDugout every Monday through Thursday live at 4:00pm on the Ocean State Current for your weekly dose of news and views!

DAILY SIGNAL: Her Pro-Life Center Was Attacked by Pro-Abortion Thugs. She Fears It’s ‘Going to Get Worse.’

Across the nation, pregnancy resource centers are under fire. Pro-abortion radicals are increasingly vandalizing these safe havens for women experiencing unplanned pregnancies, smashing their windows, spray-painting vulgarities on their walls, and even firebombing them. The most recent target of this senseless violence and vandalism by pro-abortion extremists was the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center in Lynchburg, […]

The Left’s Summer of Rage Starts #InTheDugout -June 28, 2022

more evidence that Jeann Lugo did not wantonly assault Jennifer Rourke. Is she being dishonest? Sten on RI’s swamp & American Birthright vs CRT @stevelaffey on climate change humor, SCOTUS rulings & Ukraine/Russia

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news and events happening in Rhode Island? If so, then this podcast is for you! We discuss current events that are affecting the Ocean State. We also give you interviews with local and national knowledge experts on the most important topics. Our goal is to make sure everyone has access to the information they need to be informed citizens. Tune into #InTheDugout every Monday through Thursday live at 4:00pm on the Ocean State Current for your weekly dose of news and views!

Xtra Innings: Friday Night Rage #InTheDugout – June 28, 2022

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news and events happening in Rhode Island? If so, then this podcast is for you! We discuss current events that are affecting the Ocean State. We also give you interviews with local and national knowledge experts on the most important topics. Our goal is to make sure everyone has access to the information they need to be informed citizens. Tune into #InTheDugout every Monday through Thursday live at 4:00pm on the Ocean State Current for your weekly dose of news and views!

DAILY SIGNAL: Welcome to Post-Roe World. Now, Real Work Begins for Pro-Life Activists.

Roe v. Wade is history. After nearly 50 years and 63 million lives lost, the Supreme Court has ruled that there’s no constitutional right to abortion. But now, the true work of the pro-life movement is beginning. It’s now up to the American people and their elected state leaders whether or not they will be […]

DAILY SIGNAL: Here’s Where to Go If You Need Help With Your Unexpected Pregnancy

It’s a post-Roe world and life appears to be winning. But even though the issue of abortion now moves back to the American people to decide, there will still be women who need help with unexpected pregnancies. Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, says there is a treasure trove of resources available for those […]

RON, JEN, & STEN on #InTheDugout – June 27, 2022

Jen Brien and Ron St. Pierre join Sten on today’s episode of #InTheDugout Podcast. They bring their unique perspectives to some of the biggest stories making headlines.

From a lighter perspective, they discuss everything from the latest news to politics and current affairs. It’s all about making sure everyone has access to the information they need to be informed citizens. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

Steve Kass: China and the Semiconductor Problem

Steve Kass is a podcaster, who discusses the semiconductor problem in America. He points out  the the dangers to national security from Russia and the growing strength of China. He tells us that the Biden administration has failed to take action in the  leading to a decline in America’s competitiveness and is wasting taxpayer dollars. Steve Kass’s podcast is an important source of information for those interested in understanding current events. His insights into the problems facing America provide a valuable perspective on this rapidly changing landscape.

DAILY SIGNAL: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words

Thirty years after his confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Clarence Thomas continues to have a profound influence on American law and culture—evident again with last week’s landmark rulings. A new book, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” gives readers access to hours of the exclusive content from the justice himself. Building […]

Sten Discusses the SCOTUS Repeal of ROE and Cultural Issues w/ CEO of America’s Leading Pro-Family Org

Rhode Islanders, we have something special for you. Pastor Dave Aucoin has just founded the new affiliate of the Family Policy Alliance to help make Rhode Island a better place. Craig DeRoche is the President & CEO of the Family Policy Alliance and he tells us why advancing family values will make a difference in the Ocean State. These two men share their insights on how family values play into politics and policymaking. Join us for an Xtra Innings episode of #InTheDugout with Mike Stenhouse you don’t want to miss! Tune in now by clicking this link!

DAILY SIGNAL: She Had an Abortion. Why She’s Glad Roe Was Overturned.

When she was 17, Cathy Harris had an abortion. After her abortion, Harris says she felt “immediate regret, immediate just grief that fell upon me.” “I wasn’t really sure what to do with it, where to put it,” she recalls. “A lot of people, friends of mine had continued to tell me that’s not a […]

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