Attorney Files Lawsuits Against RI Medical Corporations Over Vaccine Mandate Firings

Attorney Greg Piccirilli files lawsuits against Rhode Island medical corporations Lifespan, Care New England, and Chartercare on behalf of healthcare workers fired over the 2021 COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The cases, supported by the Rhode Island Center for Freedom & Prosperity, challenge government overreach and signal future legal actions to protect constitutional rights.

LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR RENT? AG Neronha Urged to Withdraw RI from Oil Lawsuit

Rhode Island’s Lawsuit vs Big Oil is a Donor-Funded Assault on Families The administrative state is at it again. The unchecked and ongoing assault on families, motorists, and homeowners – by our own government – could soon heap even more costs upon all of us. It’s called “law-fare”. And similar to America’s Civil War … […]

RI Needs Better Domestic Abuse Laws (True Stories; reader warning)

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Too many women in Rhode Island are being murdered by partners who are known to be a threat to their safety. This troubling column raises important questions for state lawmakers and other public officials to consider. Please share this piece with them.  In order to better protect women and all spouses, does our […]

Court-ordered March 15 Public Forum May Expose Pseudo-Science of RIDOH’s School Mask Mandate Blunder

Rich Southwell, lead plaintiff, along with his over three-dozen co-plaintiffs in the school mask mandate lawsuit against Governor McKee and the RI Department of Health, are calling for the support of parents and concerned citizens at a court-ordered public hearing to be conducted by RIDOH on Friday morning, March 15.

Doc Skoly Files Brief for his Appeal in US 1st Circuit Court

Do a Governor’s emergency powers supersede citizens’ constitutional rights? This is one issue that will likely be adjudicated, as The Ocean State Current has learned that Dr. Stephen Skoly has filed a brief for his appeal in the US First Circuit Court on Wednesday. Click here to read the brief its entirety This past August, […]

PARENTS WIN Settlement vs RIDOH in School Mask Mandate Lawsuit

On Tuesday, over three dozen parent plaintiffs celebrated a rare judicial victory against Covid-19 pandemic tyranny in their historic school mask mandate lawsuit against the State of RI and the RI Department of Health (RIDOH). In a private conference in the judge’s chambers, all parties agreed to a settlement that will have near- and long-term […]

Reed, Whitehouse seeking diverse, qualified candidate for court seat

A new process for ensuring highly qualified applicants are sought to fill a Rhode Island court seat is being pitched by a pair of federal elected officials.

Clay Johnson OUT of Chariho School Committee, per RI Supreme Court Ruling

Updated July 18, 2023 The Supreme Court of Rhode Island ruled this morning that the local Richmond Town Charter carried more weight than State Law and the Chariho Act), as both laws were judged to be conflicting in nature. By virtue of the SCORI ruling, the plaintiff, Jess Purcell, the prior election’s next highest vote […]

DOC SKOLY VINDICATED! Will the Courts Provide Fair Justice?

Dr. Stephen Skoly and other NCLA Clients Were Vindicated when President Biden Ended the Covid Vaccine Mandates that Federal Courts Already Enjoined Last month, the Biden-Harris Administration officially ended the disgraceful Covid-19 vaccine mandates it never should have implemented for federal employees and federal contractors. These unlawful mandates, which were ordered without a vote of Congress, […]

Local Parental Rights Lawsuit Gets “Friend of the Court” Brief from Major National Experts

On Friday, March 31 an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) brief to The Supreme Court of Rhode Island was filed on Behalf of Joshua Nagel by University of Notre Dame Law Professor Gerard V. Bradley, and co-signed by “an international assembly of medical doctors, academic scientists, allied health professionals, and officers (past and present) of […]

RI Court Case Could Set National Precedent Regarding Covid Vaccines for Youths

A unique lawsuit in Rhode Island could soon set a national precedent when it comes to the question of whether children who have acquired natural immunity from Covid-19 infection still should be required to receive the CDC-recommended vaccine regimen. If Dr. Andrew Bostom and attorney Gregory Piccirilli have their way, the medical and legal answer […]

BREAKING: RI Supreme Court Sides with Father Seeking to Protect His Child from the Covid Vax

A rare, but major victory for parental rights was won in the highest court in the state of Rhode Island, albeit the victory may only be temporary. In the Ocean State and across America, state and federal courts have routinely ruled against families, citizens, and employees who, for religious, moral, or medical reasons have opted […]

West Warwick Schools Sued for Retaliation & Unconstitutional Firing of Teacher Who Chose Not to Pay Union Dues

The media release and the official legal complaint can be viewed below. A former West Warwick school teacher, John Lancellota filed a lawsuit last week against the Superintendent and multiple School Committee members in that school district for violating his Frist and Fourteenth Amendment rights, after he was fired for choosing not to pay dues […]

Parents Union School Mask Lawsuit winning in Providence; Delayed Again in Superior Court

The relentless legal pressure applied by attorney Gregory Piccirilli, representing dozens of Parents Union plaintiffs, is producing major dividends, despite efforts by the McKee administration and the RI Department of Health to quash their lawsuit actions. In the original Southwell v McKee school mask mandate lawsuit brought by the Parents Union plaintiffs, the State of […]

Doc Skoly’s Federal Lawsuit is NOT OVER! Even though he’s back work.

Lawsuit is not “moot”. Dr Stephen Skoly may have won a significant battle last week in his fight to continue providing critical surgical care to his patients, but the larger legal war is not over. Even though the RIDOH finally relented and removed its October 1 compliance order that banned him from seeing patients in […]

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