Mike S. Reyes: Cementing Rhode Island’s Legacy with a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve

Rhode Island can secure its financial future with a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve. Learn how Bitcoin adoption can hedge against inflation, empower communities, and position RI as a leader in digital assets.

Report: Northeast states have highest sports gaming taxes

Northeast states lead the U.S. with the highest tax rates on sports betting, according to a Tax Foundation report. New Hampshire, New York, and Rhode Island share the top spot with a 51% tax rate on sportsbooks, while Vermont ranks fifth at 31.7%. Massachusetts follows in sixth place with a 20% rate.

Now California Seeks to Eliminate all US Locomotives!

PUBLISHER’S NOTE (Mike Stenhouse): The RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity has agreed to co-sign the national coalition letter to the EPA (see below). For years, the Center has raised awareness about the folly of the Electric Vehicle mandates proposed by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), which, by law, our Ocean State must adhere […]

Stenhouse: Biden’s “Junk Fee” Rule is Pure Junk; another Mindless Assault on Corporate America

Statement by Mike Stenhouse, CEO for the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity in response to the Biden administration’s March 5 rule to impose a credit card “late fee” regulation that will harm consumers: “In struggling to come up with some issue that might appeal to voters during his State Of The Union address Thursday […]

Left’s “Tax the Rich” Plan, Means Avg. Family will be Poorer

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Public and private employee unions along with their Left-leaning allies and elected officials in Rhode Island, for years, have been seeking to punish success by raising taxes on wealthy residents. Why? So the state can spend more money on projects that benefit unions and big-government spenders. Oh, and, of course, in echoing their […]

Left’s Economic Policies are Failing Hispanics & America

“Consumer prices have jumped more than 16% under (the Left’s) Bidenomics. Wages, on the other hand, have grown much slower, meaning workers’ paychecks have actually fallen by 3% since Biden took office.” . Originally published by By Jose Mallea  on the Washington Examiner, August 23, 2023 Bidenomics is failing Hispanics, and everyone else Last month, the White House unveiled […]

What people don’t get about the viral hit – ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’

EDITOR”S NOTE: We add the following to the column below for your consideration: Did the singer-writer choose “Richmond” simply because of its geography (south of DC) … or because of its obvious “rich men” play on words with “rich mond”? Or is Richmond, as the former capital of the Confederate South, symbolic of a brewing […]

Senator Tim Scott Unmasks the Failure of “Bidenomics” and the Left’s Tax & Spend Agenda

Originally published By Tyler O’Neil on The Daily Signal ATLANTA—Sen. Tim Scott exposed President Joe Biden’s economic record Friday, explaining why the president’s celebration of “Bidenomics” is an illusion. “The average American family has lost $10,000 of spending power because of Bidenomics,” the South Carolina Republican, a candidate for the 2024 presidential nomination, said at The […]

Democrat Socialists’ $17 Minimum Wage Proposal Could Cost Up to 1.7M Jobs

In the Ocean State, the new RI Democrat Socialists of America chapter announced this week that they are pushing for a $25 per hour state minimum wage.  In Washington, DC, the national Democrat Socialists of America, are proposing a $17 federal minimum wage, per a proposal from its leader, Bernie Sanders. In both of these […]

Summary of the Just Enacted Federal Fiscal Responsibility Act

On Capitol Hill last Thursday, the months-long debt-limit fight concluded with both the House and Sente voting to pass the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA). The passage of this package was not without controversy. Several conservative House Freedom Caucus members voted against the bill—meaning Speaker Kevin McCarthy had to rely on Democrats to get the bill […]

Facts About the Federal Debt Ceiling Negotiations

from SPN’s Dispatch from DC newsletter Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy and Democrat President Joe Biden are the figureheads of a high stakes game of political chicken centered around our national debt ceiling. Since the beginning of the year, the President has insisted that debt ceiling talks should be separate from budget negotiations […]

“Flattening Inflation” is Dishonest Approach by Feds & Biden

Originally printed in the March 30, 2023 edition of The Independent “Flattening inflation easier said than done” Probably everyone remembers elected and public health officials telling us that we had to “flatten the curve” of the corona virus pandemic. The unstated reason was to prevent hospitals and medical personnel from being overwhelmed by a dramatic […]

Rhode Island receives middling ranking in nationwide sales tax analysis

Based on its flat 7% sales tax rate, Rhode Island wound up in the middle of the pack in a nationwide analysis of states’ policies. In its 2023 analysis of state and local sales tax rates, the Washington, D.C.-based think tank Tax Foundation ranked Rhode Island No. 24.

Progressive Policies Stalling RI’s Economy; Lags Region and Nation

According to the RI Public Expenditure Council (RIPEC), Rhode Island’s economy continues to lag the New England region and the United States in several indicators of economic growth according to the Rhode Island Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Briefing for the fourth quarter of 2022, released today. After decades of liberal-progressive tax and spend polices, along with […]

Rhode Island putting federal, state funds to address housing crisis

A mixture of federal and state funding are being used to address Rhode Island’s housing situation. More than $166 million will be put to work to support the construction and preservation of affordable housing in the state, Gov. Dan McKee said. RIHousing has now opened a competitive funding round that will be used for financing those efforts throughout the state.

Taxpayer watchdog group lays out agenda for fighting inflation

A taxpayer watchdog group has released an “anti-inflation agenda” that it says the federal government should follow to combat the persistent inflation felt across the country. The Washington, D.C.-based National Taxpayers Union said in the recent policy paper that the agenda “could make modest and near-term contributions to reducing inflation, even though monetary policy at the Federal Reserve will still have the largest role to play.”

Judge issues permanent injunction on Biden ban on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands, waters

A federal judge sided with Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and 12 other plaintiff states in a Louisiana-led lawsuit, issuing a permanent injunction against the Biden administration’s moratorium on new oil and gas leases on federal lands and water.U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty issued the permanent injunction, declaring that the president exceeded his authority when halting oil and gas leasing and drilling permits.

9.1% INFLATION SHOCK! Recession Already Here? The Lesson …

Today’s shocking federal data showing a 9/1% year-over-year inflation rate should come as no surprise to anyone with a basic understanding of money-supply economics. The LESSON that all lawmakers – state and federal – should keep in mind is that indiscriminate or wasteful government spending leads to increases in the money supply and the velocity […]

Now is the Time for RI Motorists to be Decoupled from California’s Oppressive Emissions Policies

Ocean State motorists dodged a bullet last December when the TCI Gas Tax was defeated here and in 13 other northeast states. The “Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI)” would have artificially increased gasoline prices by up to 35 cents per gallon, while steadily reducing available fuel supplies, by ceding a major portion of our state’s […]

Connecticut’s Refusal of the TCI Gas Tax Should Kill the Bills in RI

It would be cruel for lawmakers to impose this fuel tax, which will especially harm rural and low-income residents, just so the elite can receive a subsidy for their expensive electric vehicles.

No Cost Projections or Means Identified to Achieve Rhode Island’s Green New Deal

The innocently named “2021 Act on Climate”, H5445, has been ominously rocketing through the General Assembly. It passed the full House on March 23 and the full Senate is scheduled to vote on it this afternoon. If it passes, it will have cleared the General Assembly and presumably be sent straight on to Governor Daniel McKee for his action within seven (ten?) days.

Informally dubbed “Rhode Island’s Green New Deal”, H5445 would mandate the reduction to zero by 2050 of greenhouse gases in Rhode Island – a goal that could only be accomplished by eliminating the use of all fossil fuels and transitioning entirely to renewable energy sources, wind and solar; i.e., from reliable, reasonably priced energy sources to intermittent, exorbitantly expensive ones. More about it here, including why the effective date of substantial implementation would be 2026, not thirty long years from now.

But perhaps we are missing something. Have proponents of the bill answered the critically important question about cost of implementation?

How the Ocean State Should Spend Its Federal COVID Relief Funds

The old saying goes, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch,” but advocates of the left-wing’s modern monetary theory (MMT) want you to think there is. Read about the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity’s suggestions for use of federal COVID-19 aid.

Tell Governor McKee To Veto Rhode Island’s Version Of The Green New Deal!

Take action now! Add your voice to the many thousands who have asked Governor Dan McKee to live up to his promises as an advocate for the small business community, to take decisive action to relieve businesses of excessive green mandates and to ensure our state’s long-term viability by VETOING Rhode Island’s Green New Deal.

RI in Crisis While Our Progressive Leaders Self-Gratify

If we are going to revive our economy, we have to revive our sense of responsibility and become more engaged in what’s happening around us.

Rhody Reporter: Axe the Act – H5445

The Rhody Reporter is flabbergasted at the scope of a wildly progressive bill just passed by the RI legislature. It would cede all legislative and executive prerogative on RI carbon emissions to an unelected state commission. Mark Zaccaria explains en route to asking everyone to call the governor and beg for a veto!

TCI Is More Intrusive Government That RI Doesn’t Need

The Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI) is just another big-government attempt to manipulate the people.

Say NO to Radical Energy Scheme Rocketing Through The General Assembly

A full on assault against the average Rhode Island family is rocketing through the General Assembly. The Ocean State is quickly moving to put our own version of the Green New Deal into law. We need you to take action immediately to voice your opposition to it, before it is too late. Click here now to say NO to this far-left radical scheme from the land of make-believe.

This, along with the TCI Gas Tax, will paralyze our state. As we struggle to recover from the pandemic, it should be inconceivable that state lawmakers would choose NOW to consider an additional 30-40 cents per gallon gas tax increase or impose a radical, prohibitively expensive energy scheme.

Yet, the price of gasoline could soon rise (even more than it already has) if a new stealth carbon-tax scheme – the TCI Gas Tax – is implemented … a move that would necessarily increase costs on families and business, driving more people out of our state. The House of Representatives will vote on House Bill 5445 this Tuesday. This version of the state’s green new deal has already passed the RI Senate.

Even if you have contacted lawmakers already, we need you to take action again to oppose RI’s Green New Deal: Click here to contact lawmakers to say NO to the TCI Gas Tax and H5445, Rhode Island’s Green New Deal!

The simple form, once completed, will automatically send an email to the Governor and to legislative leaders telling them to reject the regional gasoline cap-and-trade scheme and RI’s Green New Deal.

Tell them today that you stand against these radical energy schemes. Thank you for taking action, and remember that your voice counts.

House Vote Tuesday – Would Inflict Extremest Global Warming Measure on RI

On Tuesday, the Rhode Island House will be voting on H5445A. It would mandate the reduction to zero of greenhouse gases in Rhode Island. While the deadline in the bill is 2050, the real deadline is five years from now, at which point, the lawsuits can start. From the bill:

The Rhode Island attorney general, any Rhode Island resident and any Rhode Island corporation, company, organization, nonprofit or other Rhode Island legal entity or organization registered with the Rhode Island secretary of state may bring a civil action to enforce this chapter.

Click here, courtesy UpriseRI, for the case in favor of the bill.

Nowhere in that article or anywhere has there been offered any science or evidence that this most drastic of measures would have any impact whatsoever on global warming nor has there been remotely adequate disclosure about the ludicrous cost of bringing it about (converting every house and building in the state to electric-only heating and AC) or the impact on our power supply of changing the grid over from a reliable, constant fuel source to an unreliable, intermittent one (routine rolling blackouts) while simultaneously adding enormous demand to it or the impact (sky-rocket) on residents’ and businesses’ electric bills of being compelled to purchase power only from renewable energy sources.

In the presumably deliberate absence of this information, accordingly, combined with our observation of the experience of other states who converted even a small portion of their grid to renewables, we can assume the worst on all of those fronts.

If you, like so many of us, do not think this is a good idea, feel free to share your concerns with your state representative before Tuesday.

Rhody Reporter: Give Dan a Chance

Mark Zaccaria sketches out the opportunity that stands before newly elevated Governor Dan McKee. The commentary urges listeners to remember that McKee’s success is a win for all Rhode Islanders. The Rhody Reporter wishes the new administration well, even as it keeps a weather eye on the proceedings.

COVID Compliance and Killing Kids

Although the bureaucratic experts who continue to suppress our lives (and the journalists who enable them) might believe differently, numbers showing that compliance rules had little, if any, effect on the pandemic aren’t some interesting abstract datapoints on a page.

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