Entries by Contributor

“Victory or Death”: The Christmas That Decided America’s Destiny

By Randolph G. Russell, author of American History In No Time. Russell was Sten’s guest on In The Dugout in March 2024 (watch here) to discuss his book on the ‘second greatest story ever told’ … a book that every student and American should read in order to develop a core, fundamental understanding of the […]

“RI First Energy” Advocates Issue Policy Statement & Federal Endorsements

Oil and natural gas innovations and investments over several decades has contributed to the economic growth and individual prosperity of not just the United States of America but of the free world. During President Trump’s first administration the US became energy independent and was the envy of the world. This position resulted in unprecedented low […]

Grover Norquist: Trump’s Tax Free Tips Plan is Brilliant

All the reasons why Trump’s tax-free tips plan is brilliant Trump no taxes on tips idea builds on his call to make permanent his 2017 tax cuts By Grover Norquist; Published July 10, 2024 on FoxNews.com President Trump’s tax-free tip plan a stroke of genius that cuts straight to the heart of the tax issue, making it clear that Republicans are the party of […]

Garry Sasse: Biden and Trump’s vision of freedom on the 2024 ballot

EDITOR’S NOTE: Sasse has agreed to conduct a long-form discussion about this column on In The Dugout with Mike Stenhouse. Over the next week or so, check back to this webpage for details. by Gary Sasse. Originally published in the Providence Journal, April 27, 2024 President Joe Biden stated the central theme of his 2024 […]

The ranked-choice voting fad is finally ending

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Progressive Democrats and some moderate Republicans are advocating for a major change to Rhode Island’s Constitutional election provision, which currently provides for the candidate who receives a simple plurality of all votes cast to be declared the winner state or local elections … even if that plurality does not surpass the 50% threshold. […]

Joanne Giannini – Saving Mt. Pleasant High School

by guest contributor, Joanne Giannini, freelance writer and a former State Representative from Providence 1995-2011 This is my former school, my neighborhood…archaic but full of history and memories.  It will be a sad day to see it torn down, if that decision is made. Many of us residents would love to see it restored.  So […]

Freedom vs Equality; by a Famous Soviet Dissident

written by Connor Boyack, head of the Libertas Institute in Utah and author of The Tuttle Twins Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on Freedom v. Equality “Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Solzhenitsyn’s deep understanding of the […]

Holding the Line for Truth: Youth Org Blasts former US AG, Bill Barr

by Mary O’Neill, Executive Director America’s Future, a young professionals’ organization dedicated to preserving American values and ideals. Larry Gillheeney form the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity is the organization’s Northeast Regional Director. There is only one truth. When Americans invest their faith in leaders who fail in their mission to hold the corrupt […]

LTE: Biden’s Maui Response Irresponsible & Insulting

Letter To the Editor: For weeks now the leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives have been talking about its investigations of Attorney General Merrick Garland and President Biden and their possible impeachment. Conversely, all we hear about in the liberal media is its crowing about the indictments of former President Trump and his associates.Nothing […]

Robert Frost? Stopping the Swamp and its Many Evils

The following was submitted to The Current by an anonymous writer and is a political adaptation of the famous poem by Robert Frost – Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Stopping the Swamp and its Many Evils Whose House this is they think they know. I’m sending them a message though; They will not […]

Good Men: Democratic Drama Queens

by Travis Rowley from his “Good Men” podcast This week NC Governor Roy Cooper (Democrat!) actually declared a “State of Emergency” in response to a Republican bill that would expand school choice. Soon after, in response to Gov. Ron Desantis’ crusade against race-obsessed curriculum, the NAACP (Democrats!) issued a “travel advisory” for those considering a […]

Ranked Choice Voting Should Be Ranked Dead Last as An Election Reform

EDITOR’S NOTE: Legislation has been submitted in the RI General Assembly to switch to a ranked-choice-voting scheme for elections. The RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity and election expert, Ken Block, oppose such a confusing system that has been proven to disenfranchise voters in other states. Fact Sheet by the Heritage Foundation, January 2023 THE […]

Ruling Class “Political Supremacists” Extort Americans as did the Mafia

By J.B. Shurk, originally entitled: The Ruling Class’s Stalinist Purge. (“Political Surpemacists” is a phrase coined by Mike Stenhouse of the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity) Like a hammer smashing anyone who seeks to “make America great,” the ruling class pounds Trump, his supporters, and now even Tucker Carlson. A “great America,” you see, is […]

Tucker: Is the Left winning the war to SILENCE dissent?

by America’s Future Incorporated The desperation of the consortium of political and corporate elites to silence truth and censor truth-tellers is crystal clear. This week Fox News pushed out its most influential voice and thereby sidelined one of the most powerful figures in contemporary American politics and culture. It’s not clear why the network “parted ways” […]

RI’s Own, Ambassador William Middendorf, on the Rare Earths & China Threat

EDITOR’S NOTE: The RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity presents its annual Middendorf Pillar of Freedom Award to its selected honoree at each of its Freedom Banquets, this year, a luncheon scheduled for November 3, 2023. Ambassador Middendorf, who lives in Little Compton, RI is one our state’s greatest and most accomplished political figures. **** […]

“Flattening Inflation” is Dishonest Approach by Feds & Biden

Originally printed in the March 30, 2023 edition of The Independent “Flattening inflation easier said than done” Probably everyone remembers elected and public health officials telling us that we had to “flatten the curve” of the corona virus pandemic. The unstated reason was to prevent hospitals and medical personnel from being overwhelmed by a dramatic […]

Is “ERIC” Further Diminishing RI’s Election Integrity?

EDITOR’S NOTE: Recently, in an effort to increase public trust in their statewide elections and to protect the privacy of its voters, many states have abandoned ERIC … but the state of Rhode Island continues to spend taxpayer dollars to subscribe to this service, which recently has been exposed for its partisanship. Why? What is […]

The Coal-Powered Electrification Agenda: Separating Fantasy from Reality

EDITOR’S NOTE: With coal and other fossil fuels powering much of the electricity that the environmental left wants to force Americans to use for their electric vehicles and other electrified energy sources, the national and regional supply (vs demand) shortage will become increasingly severe, costly, and dangerous. Rhode Island residents and businesses currently suffer from […]

The US Constitution Is The Divorce We’re Looking For

by Travis Rowley Speaking primarily on freedom of thought, Thomas Jefferson once defended the libertarian ideal by acknowledging a lack of personal injury as long as someone’s offense “neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” While there is probably much to be added to Jefferson’s sentiment, particularly in terms of an undergirding religion that […]

Could Illinois Public Schools Be Even Worse Than RI Schools?

In 60 Illinois Public Schools No Students Were Proficient in Reading or Math Lawmakers blame COVID even though scores were almost as bad in 2019 prior to the pandemic Per-student annual spending exceeds $50,000 in some schools Across the Prairie State, there are 23 schools, including 18 in Chicago, where no student demonstrated proficiency in […]

State Bill Would Allow Illegal Immigrants to Vote in Local Elections

Voting Was Anticipated After Law to Provide Driver’s Licenses Process for Determining Residency Remains Uncertain Democrats in the Rhode Island General Assembly have introduced legislation that, if passed, would grant localities the ability to give non-U.S. citizens the right to vote in municipal elections. The measure marks the latest attempt by leftists to give foreigners […]

More Drama at the RICHMOND Town Council: Internal Spy?

This column was originally published on February 12 by Laurie Gaddis Barrett, head of #ParentsUnitedRI, on her “According to Laurie” Substack page, as: Spy vs Spy on Richmond Town Council Councilor Wilcox tattletales to Attorney General with outlandish claims against colleagues Newly elected Councilor Samantha Wilcox apparently finds it difficult to get along. A frequent […]

CTCL, Zuckerbucks and R.I. Elections…oh my!

by Sara Vieira, chapter leader of Fair Elections RI According to their website, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) is a nationally recognized organization that, ostensibly, helps local election offices with their election operations. Along the way, CTCL became otherwise known as Zuckerbucks.    Per the image below, my organization, Fair Elections RI, […]

Will Rhode Island’s Woke Social-Studies Standards Soon Infect Others States?

Originally published on National Review Online, by DAVID RANDALL February 10, 2023 as; Rhode Island’s Woke Social-Studies Standards May Soon Come to Your State Woke education bureaucrats around the country are working feverishly to steal America’s history from our children. They use the same playbook in every state, from Minnesota to Louisiana to Virginia: write new social-studies standards that remove the […]

Former Cranston Mayor Steve Laffey Announces Candidacy for GOP Presidential Nomination

Colorado Resident Plans to Campaign in New Hampshire Top Issues are Fiscal Responsibility and Rescuing Social Security from Potential Insolvency Former Cranston mayor and one-time candidate for US Senate Steve Laffey Announced Thursday (2/2) he will challenge former President Donald J. Trump and others for the GOP nomination in the 2024 presidential race. In the […]

Chariho Teachers Deserve our Respect…..So do the Taxpayers Who Pay the Bills

EDITOR’S NOTE: You can watch Louise Dinsmore’s recent appearances as a guest on The Current’s In The Dugout with Mike Stenhouse video podcasts here and here.  **** As a parent whose child attended Richmond Elementary School from K-3, I witnessed the love, dedication and professionalism of Chariho teachers and teaching support staff.   There is […]

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