Uncovering the shocking truth behind the Covid cover-up #InTheDugout

Join Sten as he uncovers the truth behind the Covid cover-up with national experts on the #InTheDugout podcast.

Comer to hold FBI director in contempt for not producing Hunter Biden documents

House Oversight Committee Chair said that he is begin proceedings to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt.

States legislatures adapt to electric vehicles

As President Joe Biden’s administration wants 50% of all new vehicle sales to be electric by 2030, some states are pushing bills to subsidize the industry.

Poll: Voters nearly evenly split on wanting Congress to impeach President Biden

Voters remain statistically tied in their support for or opposition of Congress acting to impeach President Joe Biden.

Opposition builds against EPA rule to transition Americans to electric vehicles

Projections for the regulation say that it would put more than half of American drivers out of gas cars and into electric vehicles.

New legislation would drastically cut power of federal labor board

Newly introduced legislation would significantly limit the power of the National Labor Relations Board.

Must See Interview! NJ Moms Targeted and Sued

These Brave NJ MOMS are under fire for protecting their children; Christina Balestriere and Kristen Cobo tell us their story.

House Oversight: Foreign nationals paid Biden family $10 million

House Oversight panel uncovered evidence of influence peddling and financial deception by the Biden family.

Congressional Candidate Allen Waters Wants to Be Clear About His Biography

EDITOR’S NOTE: On the heels of the charges brought against US Congressman, Republican George Santos, for promoting and campaigning on a falsified personal biography; and with a Democrat candidate, John Goncalves, for the soon to be open US Congressional seat in Rhode Island’s 1st District caught constantly changing his personal biography … Democrat candidate for […]

Federal judge issues temporary restraining order halting DHS plan to release foreign nationals into the U.S. en masse

A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order halting the Biden DHS plan to release illegal foreign nationals into the U.S. en masse.

“Complete Vindication” as Fired Barrington Teachers Win Major Covid Settlement

Today, Barrington announced a resolution on litigation over the termination of three Barrington teachers who for did not follow their COVID-19 vaccination policy.

Four transportation bills to be introduced in Rhode Island Senate

A package of bills focused on transportation and road maintenance is expected to be delivered in Rhode Island.

House GOP Leader Chippendale Responds to Governor McKee’s Green Energy Executive Order

Republican Caucus and House Minority Leader Michael Chippendale published the following statement regarding the Governor’s plan to adopt regulations for manufacturers selling cars to Rhode Island consumers: “The House Republican Caucus is on the record as being vehemently opposed to the Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council (EC4)—a group of unelected bureaucrats– being allowed to create […]

Here is how all 50 states rank for individual income tax

A new report released by the Tax Foundation rank all 50 states by individual income tax rates.

RI Supreme Court Rules Against Joshua Nagle: Will Force Daughters to Take Banned Covid-19 Vaccine

Courts rule against, Joshua Nagle, the father who sought to protect his two daughters from being forced to take the Covid-19 vaccine.

‘Crisis:’ Small businesses struggle with inflation, labor market

For small business week, and businesses took the opportunity to raise a range of concerns about inflation and their future.

RI Truckers Seek Donations to Support Its “Wreaths Across America” Mission

RITA Announces Partnership with Wreaths Across America to form Virtual Convoy to Raise Awareness and Support for the Mission Statewide effort will support local programs while honoring and remembering our nation’s veterans laid to rest at Arlington Cemetery The Rhode Island Trucking Association(RITA) today announced its participation in a statewide Virtual Convoy in partnership with […]

Biden touts record, small businesses fire back

President Biden delivered remarks touting his work to help small businesses, but many of those same businesses are criticizing his tax-and-spend policies.

RI’s Own, Ambassador William Middendorf, on the Rare Earths & China Threat

EDITOR’S NOTE: The RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity presents its annual Middendorf Pillar of Freedom Award to its selected honoree at each of its Freedom Banquets, this year, a luncheon scheduled for November 3, 2023. Ambassador Middendorf, who lives in Little Compton, RI is one our state’s greatest and most accomplished political figures. **** […]

Harry Reid’s Prophecy: Political Deja Vu All Over Again

Originally posted on Travis Rowley’s “Listen to the Good Men” podacst, as “Channeling Harry Reid“ Please excuse this critique of all the expressions of shock by conservative hosts and pundits last week — shock over the revelation that it was, in fact, the Biden campaign that orchestrated the drafting and dissemination of the “intel letter” […]

Vaccine Injuries: A Nurse Practitioner’s Plea for Government Agencies to ‘Start Telling the Truth’

When Deanna Kline, a USAF Veteran and nurse with more than 35 years of experience, began encountering numerous patients suffering from COVID vaccine injuries, she was shocked at the staggering number of adverse events resulting from a single vaccine — numbers that seemed to be carefully hidden from the public eye, she says. “The COVID […]

Dr. Bostom’s Oversight Event Highlights Absurdities of RI’s Pandemic Response

Thursday evening, in what should have been testimony in front of a legitimate Rhode Island House and Senate Oversight Committee hearing, speaker after speaker pointed out the abject absurdities of the Covid-19 response by state of Rhode Island and its hapless Department of Health. The event at Cranston Public Library, organized by epidemiologist, Dr. Andrew […]

Center’s Stenhouse Signs-on to Letter to Congress Supporting Employee Rights Act

The CEO of the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity, Mike Stenhouse, was one of over two dozen organizational leaders across America who co-signed a letter to Congress in support of workplace freedom for American workers subject to US labor laws. “Our Center has long advocated for increased awareness, freedoms, and protections for public and […]

VIDEO of Dr. Bostom’s Revealing Event Exposing the Absurdities of RI’s Covid Response

EVENT LIVESTREAM: Rhode Island’s Covid-19 Response: An Evidence Based Reexamination … April 20th 5:00pm, William Hall Library Cranston


On April 17, 1961 the Bay of Pigs fiasco commenced. That night Maurice and two other FBI agents sat with Charles watching with great apprehension the development of the landings in Playa Larga and the surrounding sites of “la Bahia de Cochinos”. Charles was worried. He remembered how the locals had been organized in enthusiastic […]

Illegal entries at U.S. northern border continue to surge

Agents patrolling the Canadian border continue to apprehend illegal foreign nationals entering the US.

Faithful Must Set Our Faces Like Flint and Not be Ashamed

What do we do about this evil? It’s Holy Week, it’s Easter week, and today is Holy Monday … it’s time for our FAITH to be raised in each one of us. So what can we do?

Dr. Andrew Bostom & Mike Stenhouse discuss WOKE statement gone WRONG

Woke forces in the General Assembly have recently released a questionable statement on bills being heard by the education committee. Their statement has been met with concern and closer scrutiny. The bills that the far-left forces oppose, at their core, recognize fundamental American principles such as avoiding discrimination, respecting religious diversity, and the civil rights of parents.

Chariho Taxpayer Group Calls Foul on Union Backed Group Ahead of Key School Budget Vote

On Tuesday, April 4, Chariho residents will vote whether or not to approve a proposed $64.5 million budget for that regional school district, in a special referendum. As is often the case, the school budget vote pits union and school system backed groups who want to spend more … against taxpayer groups who seek to […]

RI Center Signs-on to National Letter to Congress to Repeal Biden’s Assault on Personal Retirement Funds

The RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity and its CEO, Mike Stenhouse, urging US Congressional leaders to continue their efforts to repeal the woke Biden-Harris ESG rule on individuals’ 401k and other retirement accounts. The letter to House leadership applauds their efforts to repeal the Biden administration’s ESG rule and calling for Congress to continue […]

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