Parents Across America Holding Elected Officials Accountable

Can’t be said these days that Congress – or politics – is dull or irrelevant to daily life. Maybe like never before Americans are holding elected officials accountable, on the national, state, and city and town level. In Rhode Island, mom Nicole Solas and teacher Ramona Bessinger have made news for their perspectives on education […]

Statement from Doc Skoly’s Legal Team

“We are disappointed that the court adjourned a preliminary hearing to March 15th. Rhode Islanders continue to suffer the medical emergency of an acute doctor shortage and Dr. Skoly and his staff are eager to resume servicing the 800 plus a month patients. We look forward to the hearing on March 15th.”

Grover Norquist on Canadian Truckers #InTheDugout

Grover Norquist is the president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), a taxpayer advocacy group he founded in 1985 at the request of President Reagan. ATR works to limit the size and cost of government and opposes higher taxes at the federal, state, and local levels. In this clip from the #InTheDugout podcast, he tells host Mike Stenhouse about the tremendous dangers of the crackdown on protests led by truckers against tyrannical covid-19 restrictions in Canada.

Unheralded RIDOH Website Clarifies Relative Impact of Pediatric Influenza and Covid-19 in Rhode Island

Almost completely hidden from public view, I just recently discovered a new source of data available from the RI Department of Health (RIDOH) website. One of the inescapable findings based on our state’s own data … is that serious adverse reactions to the Covid-19 virus among children are far fewer, on average, than reactions to […]

State Representative Rebuked By Mom During Parental Bill of Rights Testimony

Laurie Gaddis Barrett is an active member of the ParentsUnitedRI movement,  who carefully watches over the rights of parents seeking transparency about what happens to the children while in the care of the education system in their own districts. Her frustration clearly showed through when she testified on February 10 at the hearing for House […]

Catholic Parent Speaks Out Against Continued Mandates In Catholic Schools

Dear Father Healy, I am appealing to you directly, because when we interviewed with you for our first of three children, Emma, at Our Lady of Mercy in the summer of 2015 you told us: “The buck stops with me.” OLM has been a wonderful experience for our children and our family as a whole. […]

Director of Health James McDonald LIES on His First Day

Why are Gov. Dan McKee and the media so compliant? On his first day as Director of Health, James McDonald LIES by stating blatant disinformation that naturally acquired immunity “doesn’t last as long as vaccine immunity.” During yesterday’s press conference, Pat Ford of The Coalition Radio Network asked a critical question. Watch the video now. Per Israeli study & Dr Andrew Bostom – the exact OPPOSITE IS TRUE!

RI Women’s Group Calls out NPR Public Radio

The following is the text of a January 19 email send to the editor of NPR public radio, from one of the leaders of a new women’s group in Rhode Island … the RI chapter of the Independent Women’s Network (IWN), a project of Women’s Voice, in partnership with Independent Women’s Forum – a private […]

Why Governor McKee Must Completely Remake the RI Department of Health

Remake RI DOH Despite claims of her ‘resignation’, the more likely January firing of Nicole Alexander-Scott as Director of the RI Department of Health (RI DOH), quickly followed by the departure of her top capo, Thomas McCarthy, presents a major opportunity for Governor McKee to remake the crumbling health organization, which completely missed the target […]

Rachel Ware: Open Letter To Rep. Lima On New COVID Protocols

I am one of your constituents, a parent and an upset citizen of the Unites States of America. My name is Rachel Ware. We have a duty to protect our children as they are our future. It is the job of parents, and the community to take action against those who choose to do harm against others, coerce the public into believing a false narrative, and to straight out lie. As an elected official, you work for us. We the people demand to be heard.

ROLAND LAVALLEE: Knowing Your Rights Isn’t Everything, Exercising Them is the Only Thing

I had to cancel several indoor ticketed January events, because Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee announced he was going to sign an executive order in the coming days that would impose yet another indoor mask mandate. To my surprise, according to the RI state website, a medical exemption would still apply.

IRREPARABLE HARM: Rhode Island Dad Tells His Story Of Mckee’s School Mask Mandate

I have two children in elementary school in Rhode Island. All summer they’ve been all over the state, including restaurants, movie theaters, gaming facilities, water parks, and trampoline parks. None of these facilities require masking, nor should they.

Parent plaintiff pleads for “help” for his daughter suffering from school mask mandates

Case Number: PC-2021-05915 Filed in Providence/Bristol County Superior Court Plaintiff, Jonathan Barrett, is a resident of Glocester, Rhode Island. The reasons for his bringing this lawsuit are as follows: I have witnessed the deterioration and decline in my daughter’s interest in going to school and doing her best work while these mask mandates have been […]

Notre Dame Law Professor Rebukes RI Superior Court Judge Lanphear

by Gerard V. Bradley, Professor of Law at the University of Notre Dame. Last month Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Lanphear ruled against a group of school parents who sought to enjoin enforcement of Governor McKee’s school-mask mandate.  Judge  Lanphear’s legal analysis was seriously flawed and his conclusion to uphold the mandate was mistaken.  I expect that […]

Governor McKee Stole My Providence Bruins Hockey Tickets

By Roland Lavallee Gov. McKee decreed in a 12/15/21 COVID briefing that venues seating 250 or more must require the use of masks, regardless of vaccination status. I am a Providence Bruins Black Level Member (as I’ve been for years) for the 2021-22 season which grants me an assigned seat for 20 games plus some […]

School Social Worker’s Tragic Firing over Vax Mandate

Hi Ocean State Current:  I wanted to share my story with you about my experience with the healthcare mandate. I was a school social worker in a local public school for the past 4 years. I worked in person most of this pandemic, supporting the children, teachers and community. In my previous school, the teachers […]


Dear Governor McKee, I am a life-long Rhode Islander, a practicing physician, and an independent voter. I am writing to you regarding the potential for another indoor mask mandate in Rhode Island, and any other potential COVID-related restrictions that people around you may suggest would be helpful. I can tell you that myself, and the […]

COVID Compliance and Killing Kids

Although the bureaucratic experts who continue to suppress our lives (and the journalists who enable them) might believe differently, numbers showing that compliance rules had little, if any, effect on the pandemic aren’t some interesting abstract datapoints on a page.

Can the COVID Education Wasteland Change the Political Dynamic?

Will the narrative vulnerability of the education-reform cause still hold in the face of the COVID response’s educational wasteland? It would be nice if somebody would take some sort of action to help us find out.

McKee’s RI-Same-Old COVID Task Force

With this panel, McKee seems to be sending a signal about who really matters in the state. That may not be his intent, but it’s something upon which he’ll have to improve quickly now that he’s achieved the big chair.

COVID Coming to an End in RI Despite the Queen?

With scary news that RI has one of the worst COVID-19 infection rates in the world, it’s worth revisiting a concept about which we’ve heard absolutely nothing in the Rhode Island media: active cases.

Roland Benjamin: COVID-19 Lockdown: The Preferred Intervention of the Elite

It is commonly accepted that an effective vaccine for COVID-19 will save lives.

The vaccine, be it BioNTech’s, Moderna’s, or any other pharmaceutical intervention, will most effectively bring an end to the COVID era. The “science” needed to bring this intervention into the world is astounding, with tens of thousands of test subjects undergoing trials for each version. Months and months and months of careful testing, and yet A SINGLE ADVERSE EVENT among any of the study participants halts the progress. One event. Savings lives is critical, so long as no harm is done in the process.

Simultaneously, governments all over the world have become obsessed with their own interventions. The non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) range from mask mandates, to required testing, to full scale economic lockdown. In the most extreme, China even resorted to welding people into their homes.

There has been no shortage of speculation that the lockdowns have caused harm. The argument has always been that they save lives by mitigating spread, but there really has not been comprehensive proof of that. Florida and California, two comparable states in climate and demography, have had comparable disease spreads with remarkably different approaches to inhibiting its residents. In other words, the NPIs adopted by California, draconian in some respects, have not proven any more effective than the “control group”…Florida’s non-interventionist approach.

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