Why Were Key Complaints Ignored Prior to RI’s 2024 Election Certification?

by Sara Vieira, founder of RI Fair Elections & Education  On November 22, 2024, Chris Arsenault, a poll watcher and witness for State Representative District 33 Candidate Jessica Drew-Day, submitted three official complaints to the Rhode Island Board of Elections. These complaints raised serious concerns about the integrity of the 2024 General Election in the […]

Unmasking the “No Coalition”; the Secret Web Conspiring Against a RI Constitutional Convention

Explore the hidden forces behind the opposition to a Constitutional Convention in Rhode Island. This article on the Ocean State Current unveils the complex network of political and special interest groups working to prevent constitutional reform, revealing motivations, influence, and potential impacts on Rhode Island’s future. Discover the untold story of who truly controls the state’s political landscape and what it means for democracy.

Kamala Harris appears for first time with running mate Walz

Vice President Kamala Harris held a rally in Philadelphia on Tuesday night in her first official appearance with her new running mate, socialist Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

Noncitizens do vote in U.S. elections — here’s how they do it

Originally published by the Washington Times, by Stephen Dinan, May 3, 2024 Eloy Alberto Zayas-Berrier was part of the infamous Mariel boatlift that brought 125,000 Cubans, including criminals and mental hospital patients, to the U.S. in 1980. He’s been here ever since in a bizarre legal limbo. He can’t qualify for citizenship and Cuba has […]

Dear Jewish American Voters (by Valerie Sobel)

by Valeri Sobel, an Economist, writer, philanthropist, and a pianist living in Canada. A message for all you American Jews (еврейцев) who voted for Biden … We, the grass roots, extremist right-wing, Trump-loving Jews, would like to extend our warmest gratitude in electing one Joe Biden. Especially at this time. You were so right all […]

Garry Sasse: Biden and Trump’s vision of freedom on the 2024 ballot

EDITOR’S NOTE: Sasse has agreed to conduct a long-form discussion about this column on In The Dugout with Mike Stenhouse. Over the next week or so, check back to this webpage for details. by Gary Sasse. Originally published in the Providence Journal, April 27, 2024 President Joe Biden stated the central theme of his 2024 […]

The ranked-choice voting fad is finally ending

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Progressive Democrats and some moderate Republicans are advocating for a major change to Rhode Island’s Constitutional election provision, which currently provides for the candidate who receives a simple plurality of all votes cast to be declared the winner state or local elections … even if that plurality does not surpass the 50% threshold. […]

Must watch video by VDH: Why the Left is Terrified of Donald Trump

Victor Davis Hanson on the continual false narratives, contrived by the Left and perpetrated on Americans by a corrupt and compliant media … and why they fear they would be held accountable under a second term of Donald Trump as President. Current StaffSupport local and honest journalism by becoming a charter member of the Ocean […]

Federal Judge Delays Trump’s Trial Start Before Super Tuesday, Pending Decision on Presidential Immunity Appeal

Former President Trump’s trial postponed before Super Tuesday as federal judge awaits a decision on his claim of presidential immunity. Stay updated on the legal developments.

Will Ranked-Choice-Voting (RCV) be Forced on Rhode Islanders?

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Progressive Democrats and some moderate Republicans are advocating for a major change to Rhode Island’s Constitutional election provision, which currently provides for the candidate who receives a simple plurality of all votes cast to be declared the winner state or local elections … even if that plurality does not surpass the 50% threshold. […]

Is it True? Trump Releases State-By-State Dossier Detailing His Claims of 2020 Election Fraud

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: The information reported in this article has not been independently verified by The Ocean State Current or the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity, each of which, however, have publicly raised concerns and questions about the security of Rhode Island’s insecure mail-ballot voting process. We agree with the prestigious The Heritage Foundation , which […]

VOTER ALERT: Over 20% Fraud in Mail-in Ballots!

Originally published by Mallory Wilson – The Washington Times – Friday, December 15, 2023 More than 20% of voters who used mail-in ballots in Biden’s 2020 win say they engaged in fraud A new survey made the startling discovery that 1 in 5 voters who used mail-in ballots in the 2020 presidential election admitted to […]

New Poll Shows Nearly One In Five Mail Ballot Voters Admit To Wrongdoing

The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports released a new poll results yesterday which found that a shocking 17% of mail-in voters admitted to voting “in a state where you were no longer a permanent resident” during the 2020 presidential election.

CT Judges Tosses Election due to “Shocking” Mail Ballot Fraud

‘Shocking’ Fraud on Video Prompts Judge to Toss Election Outcome in Connecticut’s Largest City Originally published on The Daily Signal by Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH / November 02, 2023 A surveillance camera in Bridgeport, Connecticut, showed individuals stuffing multiple absentee ballots into a ballot dropbox at night. (Photo illustration: Getty Images) Just days before a scheduled general election in Connecticut’s largest city, […]

Election Waves: Niyoka Powell Candidate for RI Senate District 1

Join us for an ELECTION WAVES interview featuring Niyoka Powell candidate for Rhode Island Senate District 1with Mike Stenhouse. In our ELECTION WAVES series, we conduct a series of interviews and debates with candidates running for office in Rhode Island. Her ELECTION WAVES interview is premiering at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 or on demand after!

Mail Ballot Problems Already Causing Election Integrity Issues in 3 States

Election integrity issues for November elections begin with absentee ballots Counties in California, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania have already experienced issues with absentee ballots for November elections. Originally published on October 16 on Just The News by Natalia Mittelstadt As state and local elections are set to conclude on Election Day next month, election integrity issues […]

Cranston’s Steve Laffey Quits Presidential Race and the GOP: LIVE INTERVIEW 1:00PM Monday

Steve Laffey Ends Presidential Campaign Former Mayor of Cranston Resigns from Republican Party after 40 Years After eight months on the campaign trail, that featured campaign stops from New Hampshire to Iowa, Republican Steve Laffey is ending his bid for the Republican Presidential nomination. The former Mayor of Cranston, RI is exiting the race and […]

National Party Fights Biden Administration’s Attempt to Weaken Election Integrity

Ronna McDaniel: The RNC Is Defending Election Integrity from Biden’s DOJ Originally posted 4 Oct 2023 on Breitbart.com Since Joe Biden took office, Americans have seen time and time again that his Department of Justice has failed to live up to its name. From labeling concerned parents at school board meetings as “domestic terrorists,” to helping Hunter […]

RI Should Emulate Georgia’s Election Integrity Court Victory

One of the many false narratives put forth by opponents of free and fair elections is the myth that Georgia’s recent election integrity reforms were racist and would depress the vote. Rather, not only have these reforms held up against frivolous court challenges, but voter turnout, especially among minorities, has increased in recent years. Rhode […]

Pretty Much Everyone Agrees On Election Integrity

JASON SNEAD: Don’t Listen To Dem Hysteria — Everyone Can Agree On Election Integrity Originally published on the Daily Caller, August 21 At first glance, some Americans could mistakenly conclude that election integrity safeguards are deeply unpopular. After all, liberal politicians and the mainstream media regularly denounce commonsense measures like photo ID laws and routine […]

House GOP Leader Chippendale Questions RI’s Election Integrity

RI House GOP Leader MIKE CHIPPENDALE (R-Foster): “For this entire century, the integrity of our elections has been questioned –since the ‘hanging chads’ of 2000. In 2016 it was ‘the Republicans and Russians,’ and in 2020 it was ‘the Democrats and the Election Equipment Industry.’ This single issue has been used to sow unbridgeable division […]

Terri Flynn for Rhode Island’s First Congressional District #ElectionWaves – August 16, 2023

TODAY ON OUR SHOW, we interview TERRI FLYNN, Republican candidate for Rhode Island’s First Congressional District #ElectionWaves … coming up LIVE at 5:00 PM and then always on demand.

Spencer Dickinson for Rhode Island’s First Congressional District #ElectionWaves – August 16, 2023

TODAY ON OUR SHOW, we interview SPENCER DICKINSON, Democrat candidate for Rhode Island’s First Congressional District #ElectionWaves … coming up LIVE at 4:00 PM and then always on demand.

Stephen Casey for Rhode Island’s First Congressional District #ElectionWaves – August 15, 2023

TODAY ON OUR SHOW, we interview STEPHEN CASEY, Democrat candidate for Rhode Island’s First Congressional District #ElectionWaves … coming up LIVE at 5:00 PM and then always on demand.

Allen Waters for Rhode Island’s First Congressional District #ElectionWaves – August 15, 2023

TODAY ON OUR SHOW, we interview ALLEN WATERS, Democrat candidate for Rhode Island’s First Congressional District #ElectionWaves … coming up LIVE at 4:00 PM and then always on demand.

Fair Elections Group Calls for Sabina Matos to be Removed from the CD-1 Ballot

In a media release issued this morning, a local election integrity group, Rhode Island Fair Elections & Education, called on the RI Board of Elections to remove Democrat candidate for Congress District 1 Sabina Matos from this September’s primary ballot in accordance with the law.  In the release, the fair elections group claims that with […]

‘The Perfect Crime’: Tech Companies Are Manipulating Our Elections and Indoctrinating Our Children — How We Can Stop Them

by Robert Epstein, published by the Gates Institute, July 23, 2023 Big Tech companies are deliberately manipulating the outcomes of our elections and the thinking and beliefs of our children. And they are having an enormous impact. Consider this: The GOP currently has a slim 10-seat majority in the House of Representatives. Without Google’s interference […]

RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity Encourages Conservatives to Cross-Over & Vote in Democrat Primary

A new public awareness campaign educates and encourages independent and conservative voters to cross over and vote in the upcoming Democrat primary.

Doc Skoly: Cross-Over Voting Can Ensure a Change in Congress for Rhode Islanders

As reported in many news outlets, I strongly considered a run to replace David Cicilline in the US Congress, but I have decided to keep my gunpowder dry for future use in my home district.  My priority and focus at this time continues to be my pending Federal Court case regarding the State of Rhode […]

RI Fair Elections Group Decries “Identical” Drivers Licenses for Illegal Immigrants

RIDMV Provided No Info on Non-Citizen Only American Citizens are Legally Entitled to Vote  RI Election Integrity Task Force Calls on RIDMV to Adopt Driver Privilege  Card Voting Safeguards  According to Sara Vieira, founder of Rhode Island Fair Elections & Education, the RI Division of Motor Vehicles will begin issuing Driver Privilege Cards to illegal immigrants […]

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